Tuesday, February 6, 2024


MUSOKOTWANE AND THE MINES - A tragic relationship that robs Zambia billions of dollars

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
● Musokotwane has consistently implemented mining policies that deprived Zambia billions of dollars.
● In 2009, Musokotwane abolished windfall and other tax measures that earned Zambia upto $600million in 2008 alone.
● In 2021, Musokotwane abolished mineral royalties tax that was non-deductible and profit sharing scaling model, the total that was earning the country $1billion per year since 2019.
● The contraversial ZCCM-IH, FQM DEAL on Kansanshi to convert dividend rights to a royalty payment over Kansanshi Mine and the possible loss of $2.5billion that Government has not expressed interest to recover.
Every time I engage in discussions around the economy, I arrive at the conclusion that the presence of Hon. Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, being at the heart of Zambia’s economic and mining policies, has been the single-most period when Zambia has lost billions of dollars.
Make no mistake, Musokotwane has an impressive résumé.
He is a PhD holder in Monetary Economics obtained from the Konstanz University in Germany.
He has also acted as an alternate Governor at the IMF, African Development Bank, and the World Bank.
He was instrumental in introducing the Bank of Zambia to open market operations and was key in the re-introduction of Treasury Bills and Government securities auctions in Zambia.
He also holds a Master of Arts degree in Monetary Economics from the University of Dar-Es-Salaam and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of Zambia.
But despite his impressive résumé, his tenure as Minister of Finance has actually exposed him as a danger to our country and must not be allowed near crafting and implementing Zambia’s economic policies.
Here is why.
When President Levy Mwanawasa passed away in 2008, his Vice President, Rupiah Banda took over as new President of Zambia.
His competitor for the throne during the transition process of the somewhat disputed succession was the Minister of Finance, Ngandu Magande.
Magande was a star Minister of Finance in Africa and had achieved the write-off of Zambia's foreign debt.
He had previously served as Managing Director, Lima Bank Limited, an Executive Director for the Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia (INDECO), and as Managing Director, Zambia National Commercial Bank.
He also served as the Secretary-General of the African, Caribbean And Pacific Group of States (ACP), headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
When he was Minister of Finance, Zambia had been following the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC) Program.
The IMF and World Bank launched the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative to ensure that no poor country faced an unmanageable debt burden.
In 2005, to accelerate progress toward the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the HIPC Initiative was supplemented by the Multi-lateral Debt Relief Initiative. This allowed countries completing the HIPC Initiative process to receive hundred (100) percent relief on eligible debts by the IMF, the World Bank, and the African Development Fund.
By 2008 Zambia had qualified by reaching the HIPC Initiative Completion Point and had about the bulk of her foreign debt written off.
Zambia’s foreign debt came down from $7.1 billion to $502 million.
In the 2008, despite serious strong objections from mine houses,
In his budget speech for the 2008 fiscal year, Magande presented fundamental changes to the fiscal and regulatory regime for the mining sector.
The fiscal changes were intended to increase the estimated effective tax
for a model large-scale copper mine.
Magande proceeded to introduce windfall tax on base metals at a minimum rate of 25 percent.
He also increased mineral royalty tax to 3 percent from 0.6 per cent.
Magande also introduced 15 percent profit variable tax on base metal profits.
In 2008 alone, for the first time since it privatised the mines, Zambia earned $600 million in mine tax revenue from the sector.
Newly elected President, Rupiah Banda fired Magande and replaced him with Situmbeko Musokotwane.
In 2009, Musokotwane's first call of business was the shocking reversal of these milestone tax revenue measures.
Musokotwane dropped the 25 percent windfall tax and reduced mineral royalties from the 3 percent to 0.6.
He also zero-rated the 15 percent profit variable tax that was imposed on the mines.
Mine owners and their association, the Chamber of Mines, cheered Musokotwane on for the reversal of these "unfriendly" tax measures while many Zambians were shocked at such development.
Musokotwane also went into a borrowing spree racking up Zambia's debt from $502million to $2.2 billion by end of 2011.
He was borrowing anything from loans to buy mobile hospitals for $53million and loans under the IMF Extended Credit Facility.
The IMF Staff Report for the year 2012 for Article IV Consultation on Debt Sustainability Analysis, revealed that external public and publicly guarantee debt was $2.1billion, about 11.6 percent of GDP in 2011.
Of course, the new Government of the Patriotic Front under Minister of Finance, Alexander, Chikwanda continued to borrow from China and the open markets. By 2021, the debt had grown from $ 2.1 billion to $ 11.9 billion by 2021.
In 2018, Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe, in her maiden budget speech, announced new radical tax measures designed for the country to benefit from the mining sector.
Depending on the price of copper, mineral royalties would range from 5.5% to 10% versus 4% to 6% previously.
Additionally, importation of copper-cobalt concentrates, primarily from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for refining and smelting in Zambia, attracted a 5% import duty while a 15% export duty will be introduced for precious metals such as gold and other gemstones.
The 30% corporate income tax (CIT) remained, but mineral royalty tax was no longer deductible for CIT purposes.
Mwanakatwe also abolished the Value Added Tax (VAT) and replaced it with a non-refundable sales tax.
It was established that the payment of VAT refunds by ZRA had become a major revenue leakage and unaccountable process.
Newly elected President Hakainde Hichilema, immediately appointed Musokotwane as his Minister of Finance and National Planning.
Musokotwane announced tax breaks to the mining sector as part of the 2022 budget discussions.
He stated that he would implement mining-friendly policies to revive investment in existing mines and investors’ interest in new projects.
He accused the government of former President Edgar Lungu of literally engaging in resource nationalism with KCM and Mopani Copper Mines.
He also accused the previous government of demonstrating an unstable mining policies.
He condemned the implementation of higher mining taxes, greater state ownership of mines and tense relationship with key foreign mining players.
On 29 October 2021, Musokotwane presented the 2022 Budget to the National Assembly.
He announced that mineral royalty will be deductible for corporate income tax purposes.
"Our Economy has shrunk and stagnated" Bank of Zambia Governor, Dr. Denny Kalyalya
This is the most honest statement from any government official.
As at September 2021, central Government external debt was US $12.99 billion while guaranteed and non-guaranteed external debt for State Owned Enterprises was US $1.56 billion and US $164.52 million, respectively.
The stock of Government guarantees was US $1.56 billion as at end September 2021 for the power utility ZESCO.
Zambia's external debt now stands at $18.6 billion at the end of 2022. $14.3 billion is the foreign debt.
The $18.6billion includes debt-service arreas that maybe written off if the debt restructuring programme was succesful.
For example on the Eurobond alone, Zambia owes $821million in debt-service arreas since December 2020.
Total Local debt has risen from K198 billion as at December 2021 to K236 billion as at September 2023.
This includes audited Central Government domestic arrears, or pending bills, including fuel and electricity bills owed to independent power producers.
The bulk of the arrears are to road contractors, suppliers of goods and services, Value Added Tax refunds, and personnel related emoluments to public service workers.Musokotwane also entered into another shady deal.
Musokotwane announced that ZCCM-IH, that held 20% shareholding in Kansanshi Copper and Gold Mine, agreed to convert its dividend rights in Kansanshi Mine into a life of mineral royalty payment.
The first payment that FQM would pay ZCCM-IH would be sourced from the outstanding Value-Added Tax refunds from Zambia Revenue Authority due as at 30 June 20222.
The payments will be less 20%
of any VAT claim costs incurred, as and when received by Kansanshi Copper Mine from ZRA post the closing of the Transaction.
The aggregated
amount of the VAT refund was:
1. US$ 442 million and
2. ZMW 433 million an agreement and drop criminal charges against
Copper Mine
directors, as part of the conditions
precedent for FQM to declare a dividend
in the sum of the amount that the
government had been claiming from the
mining giant majority-owned by First Quantum Minerals (FQM) – to a 3.1% revenue royalty.
Musokotwane also entered into another shady deal.
Musokotwane announced that ZCCM-IH, that held 20% shareholding in Kansanshi Copper and Gold Mine agreed to convert its dividend rights in Kansanshi Mine into a life of mineral royalty payment.
The first payment that FQM would pay ZCCM-IH would be sourced from the outstanding Zambia Reveneue Authority Value-Added Tax refunds due as at 30 June 20222.
This will be less 20% of any VAT claim costs incurred, as and when received by Kansanshi Copper Mine from ZRA post the closing of the Transaction.
The aggregated
amount of the VAT refund was:
1. US$ 442 million and
2. ZMW 433 million.
Further Government directed that the DPP drop criminal charges
Copper Mine
Directors, as part of the conditions
precedent for FQM to declare a dividend
in the sum of the amount that the
government had been claiming from the
mining giant majority-owned by First Quantum Minerals (FQM) – to a 3.1% revenue royalty.
In this case am audit revealed that FQM Directors had illegally repatriated $2.5billion from Kansasnhi Copper Mines to develop Cobre Panamá Mine, a new and large-scale open-pit copper mine in Panama.
No details was disclosed how the Zambian Government would recover these collasal sums.
The loss of revenue as a results of u justified tax incentives given to the mines and the failure by Musokotwane to recover $2.5billion owed to Kansashi Mine from FQM makes Musokotwane the most dangerous man to this country.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

 Sustainable debt management key to adequate education financing

African governments must increase spending on the sector to meet increasing education needs on the continent.

By Daily News Reporter

African governments with international partners must aim to sustainably manage debt and promote the right to education amid the continent’s escalating debt crisis, Amnesty International said today as the world marks the International Day of Education.

Education is the African Union’s (AU) theme for 2024 and, given its importance to the AU's development blueprint, Agenda 2063. African governments must increase spending on the sector to meet increasing education needs on the continent.

A harsh combination of multiple crises: debt, the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change have pushed many African governments to implement austerity measures and reduce social spending including, in the case of education, removing subsidies which enabled poorer children to access learning. At the same time, the attempt to raise revenue for debt repayment has led to tax increases on basic items, including on school related supplies. These policies have undermined public investment in education whilst increasing costs for learners.

“As the world marks the International Day of Education, African governments must allocate greater funding to educate our continent’s children and youth,” said Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa.

“International partners must also support African countries in their efforts to protect the right to education by offering sustained debt restructuring and relief, which would ease the pressure on authorities seeking to enhance support for schooling.”

Massive debts and corruption undermining investment in education.

On average, African countries have a debt to GDP ratio of 60% The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimates that nearly 57% of Africans live in countries that spend more on debt repayments than education and health combined. It is estimated that Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, and Kenya spend at least a quarter of their budgets on debt repayments, leaving very little money for investment in education. This is further exacerbated by corruption.

“At the same time as struggling with debt African countries are also facing huge challenges with widespread corruption. Governments must ensure that budgets are not embezzled or mismanaged. Debt repayment strategies must therefore broaden revenue bases through progressive tax reform whilst reducing corruption instead of just cutting budgets for education and other social services,” said Tigere Chagutah.

Given the educational failings across Africa, especially in conflict-affected regions and following the disruption to education caused by COVID-19 African governments must not just meet but go beyond the minimum budget thresholds established by the Dakar and Incheon declarations if they are to ensure that the right to education is fully protected and promoted. Currently, the continent spends just about 5% of their GDP on education, falling below the Dakar declaration.  

African governments must prioritize education in their development planning and allocate sufficient resources in line with regional and international commitments, including the Incheon Declaration Doing so would require increasing education budgets as well as utilizing partnerships through international cooperation and assistance to ensure that education in the region not only responds to Africa's development needs but also aligns with international human rights law and standards.

Monday, January 22, 2024



“This policy and implementation plan will improve refugee reception, admission and management systems and it will strengthen the civil registration and documentation system for refugees children born in Zambia,”

By Daily News Reporter

The Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack Mwiimbu says the National Refugee Policy and Implementation Plan will help alleviate the challenges faced in managing refugees and Persons of Concern (POCs).
Mr Mwiimbu said the government will continue to make strides in contributing to the fight against forced displacements and its causes.
The government has started engaging financial institutions to help refugees with capital for them to facilitate various economic and productive activities.
And a good number of refugees are currently contributing to Zambia’s economic affairs through their businesses which have also employed some Zambians.
He has also disclosed that the government is considering incorporating some refugees into the farmer input support program-FISP as well as providing other social security services as they integrate with their host communities.
He was speaking in Lusaka at the launch of the first ever National Refugee Policy and Implementation Plan.
He added that the country had a history of hosting refugees as far back as the 1940s and since then, the country has maintained an open door policy and has seen a steady increase in refugees entering the country seeking asylum.
“It is only suitable then that this increase in refugees as well as the maintenance of the open door policy has a comprehensive legal system in place to support the provision of quality essential services and protection to displaced persons,” he added.
He reaffirmed the government's commitment to ensuring that refugees and other POCs have equitable access to quality services and protection.
“The country is a party to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees and its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa, the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants of 2016 and the Global Compact on Refugees,” Mwiimbu said.
He said it is important that the country puts in place a policy framework that actualizes international commitments and best practices to adequately assist refugees.
And speaking at the same event, Commissioner for Refugees Professor Prosper Ng'andu said the objective of the policy is to promote coexistence of POCs and the host community, to strengthen access to durable solutions among others.
“This policy and implementation plan will improve refugee reception, admission and management systems. It will strengthen the civil registration and documentation system for refugees, improve the access of POCs and refugees to justice and reduce the risk of statelessness, especially among refugee children born in Zambia,” Prof. Ng'andu added.
Meanwhile, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Country Representative Preeta Law said the National Refugee Policy reflects the hospitality and generosity that Zambia has long provided to refugees and POCs.
“Through this policy, Zambia is making a big contribution to the global effort to implement the approach affirmed by United Nations member states in the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR),” Ms. Law added.
Ms. Law also said Zambia's new policy is a reflection of the concerted will of the government to create an enabling protection environment for refugees to attain solutions, flourish and fully contribute to Zambian society.
She further disclosed that UNHCR will support the government to harmonize the regulatory framework as early as possible to remove the barriers affecting forcibly displaced persons that have been identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, and its stakeholders.
Zambia currently hosts over 95, 500 refugees and other forcibly displaced persons in Maheba, Mayukwayukwa, and Mantalapala refuge settlements as well as in urban areas like Lusaka.


"This will enhance internet speed in public service institutions...….."KAWANA

By Daily News Reporter

The Ministry of Information and Media (MIM) Permanent Secretary Thabo Kawana says the 200 starlink satellite kits that the Government has received under Smart Zambia which have arrived in the country will enhance internet speed in public service institutions.
Mr Kawana said that the government has partnered with Space X's starline team, a United States of America (USA) based institution to explore the provision of affordable and reliable internet services in the country.
And Speaking when receiving the first consignment of Starlink satellite kits at KK international Airports in Lusaka, Mr Kawana said that the government will ensure that all public service sites have access to the internet.
"The government will target remote borders and towns as sites for the installation of the satellite kits," Kawana said.
Smart Zambia National Coordinator Percy Chinyama also said the Starlink satellite kits will improve internet connectivity and enhance economic growth and business opportunities in the country.

 Airtel Zambia Donates K1million towards the Cholera fight

By Daily News Reporter

Airtel Networks Zambia Plc has donated K1 million (One Million) to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) through the Ministry of Health as part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility in the fight against Cholera.

Airtel’s Human Resources Director, Ms Bwembya Barbara Chikonde speaking on behalf of the Interim Managing Director, Mr. Hussam Baday, expressed concern and sadness at the emergence of Cholera and the loss of lives.

Ms. Chikonde who was flanked by Airtel Money Country Director, Mr. Andrew Chuma and Sales and Distribution Director, Mr. Francis Simfukwe, said her company was joining in the fight against the pandemic that has affected almost all the provinces of Zambia. She also conveyed best wishes to the Minister from the Airtel Africa CEO Mr. Segun Ogunsanya.

Today, we announce our support for Zambia’s fight against Cholera through a contribution of K1 million which we hope will go a long way in helping you feed the patients at the Treatment centre that is stationed here. As part of the private sector we believe it is only right for us to mobilize resources, alongside the Government, to fight the raging pandemic,” Ms. Chikonde said.

Hon. Masebo who was also flanked by Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Gary Nkombo thanked Airtel for always being proactive in partnering with the Government in various causes and commended the Company for being an all weather friend.

Airtel has always been an all weather friend as they have always come on board in good times and in bad times. We commend you and hope other companies can emulate your gesture. This donation of K1m will ensure that the patients are fed well as they recover, “ Masebo said.


By Daily News Reporter
The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has fined Eight (08) energy companies a total of K408, 000 for their failure to comply with prescribed licence conditions as mandated by the provisions outlined in the Energy Regulation Act.
Manager - Public Relations Namukolo Kasumpa says the penalties were imposed following enforcement hearings, at which the offending licensees were accorded an opportunity to be duly heard.
Mrs Kasumpa however, says the ERB subsequently found the licensees wanting and warranted appropriate punitive measures, to ensure compliance and uphold regulatory standards.
She says the two companies were levied a fine of K75,000 each for operating without the necessary licence, contrary to the Energy Regulation Act No. 12 of 2019.
"The Licensees are WWWInvestment Limited for operating without a license to transport petroleum products and Chingases Company Limited for engaging in the retail of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)without a licence.In addition, Total Energies Zambia and Admire Energy Limited where fined K45, 000 each with Vivo Energy Zambia being fined K24,000 all for operating with retail service stock outs without written notification to the ERB," she said.
"Mount Meru Petroleum Limited was fined K45, 000 for failure to conduct licensed activity in accordance with the conditions, standards, and regulations as well as failure to comply with a directive of the ERB. Further, North-Western Energy Corporation (NWEC) was fined K30, 000 for failure to resolve compliance anomalies in accordance with the ERB Directive, with Minegases Company Limited being fined K45,000 for failure to comply with regulations, standards, guidelines and procedures relating to quality and reliability of supply and service as well as failure to comply with a directive of the ERB." said Kasumpa.
Mrs Kasumpa said the imposition of these fines underscores ERB’s commitment to enforcing licence conditions and maintaining regulatory standards.
'It serves to discourage non-compliant behavior and promotes an efficient and transparent energy sector that ensures public safety and protects consumer interests. The ERB has since directed all licensed companies operating in the energy sector to ensure that they always adhere to their licence conditions and set regulatory standards," she added.
"The ERB will continue to proactively monitor licensees and will not hesitate to institute enforcement action against any erring licensee(s) to ensure provision of sustainable and reliable energy services and products," Kasumpa said.


 "promotes ethical behavior, accountability, transparency within the rank and file of the Ministry as they act as key ingredients to fostering the conducive environment for sustainable institutional growth and trust," KALABO. 
By Daily News Reporter

The launched policies and strategies include the Conflict of Interest, Gift and Benefits,Whistleblower Protection. Others are the Entrepreneurship Development Strategy and Open and Distance Flexible Learning Strategies.

Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Administration) Dr. Oliver Kalabo stated that this is a remarkable worth celebrating the first launch and unveiling of two strategies and three institutional policies as this demonstrates the Ministry’s proactive alignment with both the National Legislation and Developmental outcomes laid out in the Eighth National Development Plan (8th NDP) and as a commitment to fostering transparency, accountability, and National progress.
Speaking during the launch of the five policies in Lusaka Dr. Kalabo stated that the institutional policy collectively contributes to a framework that promotes ethical behavior, accountability, transparency within the rank and file of the Ministry as they act as key ingredients to fostering the conducive environment for sustainable institutional growth and trust. He called on all Government Ministries to take a leaf from the Ministry of Technology and Science (MoTs) to develop and implement similar policies.
Dr. Kalabo noted that the Transparent International Zambia (TIZ) 2022 corruption perception index record shows that Zambia is ranked One Hundred and Sixteenth least corrupt Nation out of the One Hundred and Eighty Countries hence status requires to change. 

Dr. Kalabo added that the fight against corruption is a priority and on top of the agenda of the New Dawn Administration through the Leadership of His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema who has constantly emphasized with a reminder in his speeches and keep calling for the prudent utilization of resources.
Dr. Kalabo said there is need to implement efficiency of procurement of goods and services so at leave up to Zero – Tolerance to corruption so that in the work environment where we have own human failings acknowledged there is hence the need to set supreme standards to uphold of integrity, transparency, and accountability ethical conduct and compliance in the delivery for the people of Zambia but also crucial to foster a culture of transparency and responsibility to support and protecting WhistleBlowers to contribute to an environment where ethical concerns are addressed proactively and symmetrically.
He further said that  the set standard of the policies by the Ministry (MoTS) will help to address and manage potential conflicts and compromise, objectivity and unfairness hence mitigate risks associated with fraud, corruption, and other malpractices.
And speaking at the same event the Ministry of Technology and Science Permanent Secretary Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu also stated that this institutional policies and strategies will serve as a guide to improve the performance and integrity of the executed functions of the Ministry in discharging duties and remain key to all the citizenry for the economic development of the Country.
"We have seen that the Conflict of Interest, Gift and Benefits and WhistleBlower Protection policy spell out guidelines to the staff and board members presiding over the Ministry and its institutions to embrace the preserved content and act in the best interest of the Ministry," Habeenzu said. 

He added that the institutional policies also provide mechanisms that address any misconduct hence providing a leeway for anyone to come forth with information from any retaliation.
Dr. Habeenzu further indicated that the policy documents also reflect the Ministry’s commitment amongst its staff to uphold the highest standard of ethics and credibility and transparency.
On the developed strategies Dr. Habeenzu said the Entrepreneurship Development Strategy Policy provides for a comprehensive plan to foster and support entrepreneurship of Vocational Education and Training to create a conducive environment for vocational and economic growth aimed to provide knowledge and resources amongst the youths and women so as to grow their businesses through networked entrepreneurial activities as embraced in the Eighth National Development Plan and in order to contribute to the social and economic development of the Country.
He said the launch and unveiled Open and Distance Flexible Learning Strategy provides leverages of potential digital technologies which provide access and quality learning opportunities to a diverse training particularly to those who face challenges in traditional face to face learning systems which will help remove the complex of time and place in order to replace and offer flexibility in learning.

Dr. Habeenzu said the document also aims at enhancing the capacities and competence of the educators and the learners in using technology for teaching and learning and similarly to foster a culture of lifelong learning.
He urged all the experts who tirelessly input their knowledge, resources, and key fundamental information executed on an extensive consultation and collaboration platforms to develop the documents with exerted efforts from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Cabinet Office, Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), the Ministry officials and its Leadership and all the Stakeholders.
(pictures by MTS)


By Daily News Reporter
The Lions District 413 Zambia has donated materials worth over K460, 000 to the Lusaka City Council (LCC) to assist in the fight against cholera.
Speaking at a donation in Lusaka 413 Lions District Club District Governor Patrick Bulundo stated that the organization was moved to solicit support in a bid to alleviate the suffering of the people in the wake of the cholera outbreak in the country.
Lion Bulundo also commended the LCC public health workers who are on the front line of the fight against cholera, adding that the organization prioritized getting personal protective wear to ensure their safety.
And Her Worship, the Mayor of Lusaka, Ms. Chilando Chitangala, who received the donation, said it was symbolic and a representation of selflessness, goodwill and impactful community service.
She said the Lions had come to the aid of the city at a very critical time when the local authority was faced with a serious public health threat that could disturb people's way of life even further.
"In times of crisis, when communities face challenges such as the threat of cholera, it is the strength, mark of solidarity, empathy and compassion that truly defines us as a people." Chitangala said.
She appreciated the Lions Club District 413 Zambia for their dedication to impacting the lives of ordinary citizens through this donation.
The Mayor said working with the Lions guaranteed that no one would be left behind in ensuring that people, especially those in cholera hotspot areas, had the much-needed attention necessary to speed up the recovery process.
The donation, which was made at the Civic Centre in Lusaka, consisted of personal protective equipment, disinfectants, chemicals, soap, examination gloves and knapsack sprayers.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


"Us Persons With Disabilities in Zambia we are facing a lot of challenges when it comes seek sexual reproductive health services in health facilities across the country," Banda

By Daily News Reporter

Youth in Action for Disability Inclusion in Zambia (YADIZ) Ian Banda speaking at the panel discussion with media in Lusaka stated that they is need for people with disabilities to be given the same respect and dignity as all humans and by not showing them the misconception and discrimination that people with disabilities are not sexually active and are unable to reproduce.
He further said this shows that discrimination deters people with disabilities from accessing these services, making them vulnerable to HIV and Aids.
He also noted that most health facilities lack ramps for physically challenged individuals and sign interpreters to communicate their needs.
Meanwhile, HIV activist and disability advocate who is also founder of position movement Nsofwa Sampa, added that the importance of understanding their rights and reporting cases of abuse without fear or favor.
She urged parents to take the lead in empowering their children living with disabilities and for the media to be watchdogs and provide adequate information on the challenges faced by persons with compounded vulnerability and the various types of disabilities,
Furthermore, Nsofwa called for stakeholders and government to provide a positive image on issues surrounding sexual reproductive health services and to establish infrastructure that speaks to persons with disabilities in various health facilities, such as Rams.
Sampa said that many persons with disabilities are vulnerable to HIV due to a lack of a platform for reporting their issues.
ZAFOD has been concerned about the stigma and communication barriers faced by young people with disabilities when accessing sexual and reproductive health services.
A Research that was conducted by Cheshire Homes has shown that people with compounding vulnerabilities have limited access to sexual reproductive health services at health centers due to social, environmental, infrastructure, and communication barriers.
Limited education opportunities for PWD on SRH issues1
Individual levelSex (gender)
Socio-cultural/religious beliefs and practices
Refugee status
Low literacy rates among disabled people
Lack of knowledge/ignorance (awareness) on SRH issues
Communication barrier
Lack of self-efficacy
Community levelNegative public attitudes towards PWDs’ sexuality issues
Stigma and discrimination against disabled patients
Sexual violence and abuse at the community level
Lack of community or family support network
Health system/institutional levelPoor interpersonal relationships
Limited/lack of knowledge/capacity on PWD SRH issues
Insensitivity/negative attitudes
Limited consultation time
Inaccessibility or lack of SRH information/resources
Low staff capacity/numbers
Lack of access to HIV counseling and testing
Lack of adaptation of health information to suit PWDs
Lack of privacy and confidential services
Lack of translators/sign language specialists
Limited availability of special outreach services for antenatal and postnatal care targeting persons with disabilities.
Stock outs of medicine/medical services
Lack of wheelchairs/mobility aids
Unfriendly HIV/aids education materials
Long waiting times
Disability unfriendly physical infrastructure
Lack of adjustable beds for delivery


By Daily News Reporter
The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), has introduced an efficient process for motorists to pay for speed tickets online.
The Agency has come up with this initiative to enhance efficiency and compliance among offenders as motorists can now conveniently pay their speed fines online within 14 days of issuance of the RTSA ticket.
The RTSA would however like to remind motorists that after the 14-day window, failure to settle the ticket will result in the vehicle being blocked by the system.
The Agency will extend this to all offences, apart from those with fines exceeding K450.00, which require prosecution in a court of law.
This will enhance road safety measures, speed cameras which are operational 24 hours a day can enforce compliance with Road Tax, Fitness, and Road Service Licence.
The Agency urges motor vehicle owners to ensure there is a change of ownership when a vehicle has been sold as per requirement under section 13 of the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002.
Motorists should also prioritize compliance with traffic regulations and promptly address any outstanding fines online to avoid inconveniences.
The implementation of these measures aligns with our commitment to foster a safe and responsible driving environment.

 ZAAB AGAINST RIGHTS WHICH DON'T SUITS FARMERS Daily News Reporter Plant breeders' rights (PBR) or plant variety rights (PVR) are ri...