Wednesday, April 17, 2024


32,000 adolescent births in the Eastern province

By Daily News Reporter

The situation in Eastern Province, as highlighted by Provincial Health Director Mathews Ng’ambi, underscores the significant challenge of teenage pregnancies and HIV infections among adolescents. Despite concerted efforts, the high numbers remain a cause for concern, especially when compared to other provinces in Zambia. Dr. Ng’ambi's worry reflects the gravity of the situation and the urgency for action.


The statistics from 2023 paint a stark picture, with 93,000 new HIV infections, including a concerning number directly impacting adolescents. It's commendable that the Ministry of Health is actively engaging with various stakeholders, including local chiefs, to ensure that pregnant teenagers receive essential services. Their recognition of adolescents' health as pivotal to the country's future is crucial, underlining the importance of prioritizing their well-being.


Dr. Ng’ambi's mention of existing programs catering to adolescents in districts indicates ongoing efforts to address these issues at the grassroots level. The emphasis on data-driven insights highlights the necessity of informed decision-making and resource allocation. By leveraging data effectively, policymakers can better understand the underlying causes and tailor interventions to effectively combat teenage pregnancies and HIV infections among adolescents in Eastern Province.


It's clear that a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration, targeted programs, and data-driven strategies is essential to address these intertwined health challenges and ensure a healthier future for Zambia's youth.

Monday, April 15, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

Despite having progressive laws and policies that protect children from different forms of violence, Zambia is still experiencing challenges to ensure a protective environment. Violence against children remains a major concern and a daily reality for many children in Zambia.

According to the Violence Against Children Study (2014). About 41 per cent of girls and 49 per cent of boys report having experienced or witnessed physical violence at household level and about 65 per cent of children indicate they have been bullied in school.

Moreover, child marriage continues to have high prevalence with 29 per cent of girls and 2.8 per cent of boys married by age 18. Teenage pregnancy has remained stagnant at 29 per cent. There are also challenges with data availability and accessibility, coordination, and fragmentation of service provision.


”There is a need to accelerate the implementation of the Children’s Code Act to better coordinate the efforts, and to invest more in integrated child protection services which involve many sectors (social welfare, child protection, education, health, home affairs, labour, tourism and justice)  at central, provincial and district levels,” (The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) on Violence Against Children, Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid,)


Children, who represent about 53 per cent of the population, cannot be seen as a problem to solve, but as an asset to invest in. And they must be part of the solution to end Violence Against Children. “

Thursday, April 11, 2024

 Tobacco use among school-going children

By Daily News Reporter

Tobacco use among school-going children is a significant public health concern with potential long-term consequences. Here are some key points to consider:

Initiation and Risk Factors: Many young people start experimenting with tobacco during their school years due to various factors, including peer pressure, curiosity, exposure to tobacco advertising, and the influence of family members who smoke. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to tobacco initiation due to developmental factors such as a desire for independence and risk-taking behavior.

Health Risks: Tobacco use, including smoking and smokeless forms such as chewing tobacco, poses serious health risks to young people. It increases the risk of numerous health problems, including respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and addiction. Additionally, early initiation of tobacco use during adolescence can lead to lifelong nicotine dependence. 

Impact on Education: Tobacco use among school-going children can negatively impact their academic performance and overall well-being. Smoking and nicotine addiction can lead to decreased concentration, cognitive impairment, absenteeism from school due to illness, and disruptions in learning. 

Prevention and Intervention: Efforts to prevent tobacco use among school-going children are essential. Comprehensive tobacco control measures include implementing policies to restrict tobacco advertising and marketing aimed at youth, enforcing age restrictions for tobacco sales, implementing smoke-free policies in schools and public spaces, and providing education and cessation programs targeting adolescents. 

Education and Awareness: School-based education programs play a critical role in preventing tobacco use among children. These programs should provide accurate information about the risks of tobacco use, develop skills to resist peer pressure, and promote healthy behaviors. Peer-led initiatives and interactive approaches can be effective in engaging students and fostering positive attitudes toward tobacco-free living. 

Parental Involvement: Parents and caregivers also have a significant role to play in preventing tobacco use among children. Open communication about the risks of tobacco, setting a positive example by being tobacco-free, and creating a supportive home environment can help discourage tobacco experimentation and use among young people. 

Community Support: Community-based initiatives involving schools, healthcare providers, youth organizations, local governments, and other stakeholders are essential for creating environments that support tobacco-free lifestyles among children and adolescents. 

Addressing tobacco use among school-going children requires a comprehensive approach that involves multiple stakeholders working together to create supportive environments, provide education and resources, and implement effective policies and interventions to prevent tobacco initiation and promote cessation among young people.




By Daily News Reporter

Bank of Zambia -BoZ- Governor Denny Kalyalya has said Investrust Bank was on 2nd of April 2024 possessed because the institution's assets are not enough to meet its liabilities and was due to lose of capital.

Speaking during a Press Briefing in Lusaka, Dr. Denny Kalyalya said the first payment to depositors at the Investrust Bank in Possession, will be made on April 26, 2024.

Government has provided K1bn fiscal support to attend to Investrust Bank in possession.

He stated that the first payment will represent 90% of all deposits from about 57,000 deposit accounts.

He says the maximum payment to be made on each account in the first round will be about K500, 000.

The Central Bank Governor adds that the speed at which payments will be made will depend on how quick depositors share information with the Bank of Zambia to facilitate payments.

He further added that Bank of Zambia will in the next 6-weeks present the financial statement of affairs to fully understand the financial status of Investrust.

And he also revealed that at the time of possession, ZCCM held 71.4% shares in the Bank, while Bank of Nevis International held 24% shareholding and others held 4.5%.


2024-2029 Development priorities for Zambia: Infrastructure and Agricultural Value Chain

The African Development Bank Group will provide assistance to the agricultural sector, concentrating primarily on the development of farm blocks and value chains, to improve the sector’s climate resilience and agricultural productivity

 By Daily News reporter

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group has approved the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Zambia for 2024-2029, which sets out two priority intervention areas: Boosting the development of the private sector through investments in infrastructure and developing the country’s agricultural value chain.


“The aim of this new CSP is to support Zambia’s vision of speeding up its socioeconomic transformation to improve livelihoods,” comments Raubil Durowoju, head of the Bank Group’s Country Office in Zambia. “The first area emphasizes infrastructure development with the aim of increasing productivity, strengthening commercial competitiveness, diversifying the economy, and improving people’s lives. The second supports value addition and job creation and is targeted at women and young people,” he adds.


The Bank’s interventions will be designed to help expand the road and rail network and to make access easier and to unblock the development opportunities envisaged in other sectors of the economy. They will also support the creation of climate-resilient infrastructure and the development of transport resources to further strengthen regional trade, especially along the regional transport and trading corridors.


Furthermore, the Bank’s actions in the water and sanitation sector will help to improve access to high-quality water and the use of sanitation facilities. This should translate into an improved quality of life for the Zambian population, and a reduction in the costs of medical care for waterborne diseases.


Finally, the African Development Bank Group will provide assistance to the agricultural sector, concentrating primarily on the development of farm blocks and value chains, to improve the sector’s climate resilience and agricultural productivity. The Bank will also work with the Zambian Government and the private sector to improve the value chains of agricultural products by drawing on synergies with support for technological and digital start-ups in the agricultural sector.


On 29 February 2024, the African Development Bank’s active portfolio in Zambia comprised 23 projects, with a total commitment of almost a Billion US Dollars.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

Just like women, men have also breast tissue that can develop cancer. Most breast cancer in men is ductal carcinoma, which means the cancer cells began growing in the (milk) ducts of the breast, but can also begin in the glands (lobular cancer), even though these breast parts are not functional in men. Although it is rare, men can get breast cancer.

Breast cancer is most often found in women, but men can get breast cancer too.

The most common kinds of breast cancer in men are—

Invasive ductal carcinoma. The cancer cells begin in the ducts and then grow outside the ducts into other parts of the breast tissue. Invasive cancer cells can also spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a breast disease that may lead to invasive breast cancer. The cancer cells are only in the lining of the ducts, and have not spread to other tissues in the breast.

What Are the Symptoms?

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are—

A lump or swelling in the breast.

Redness or flaky skin in the breast.

Irritation or dimpling of breast skin.

Nipple discharge.

Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.

These symptoms can happen with other conditions that are not cancer. If you have any symptoms or changes, see your doctor right away.

What Are the Risk Factors?

Several factors can increase a man’s chance of getting breast cancer.

Getting older. The risk for breast cancer increases with age. Most breast cancers are found after age 50.

Genetic mutations. Inherited changes (mutations) in certain genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, increase breast cancer risk.

Family history of breast cancer. A man’s risk for breast cancer is higher if a close family member has had breast cancer.

Radiation therapy treatment. Men who had radiation therapy to the chest have a higher risk of getting breast cancer.

Hormone therapy treatment. Drugs containing estrogen (a hormone that helps develop and maintain female sex characteristics), which were used to treat prostate cancer in the past, increase men’s breast cancer risk.

Klinefelter syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome is a rare genetic condition in which a male has an extra X chromosome. This can lead to the body making higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of androgens (hormones that help develop and maintain male sex characteristics).

Certain conditions that affect the testicles can increase breast cancer risk.

Liver disease. Cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver can lower androgen levels and raise estrogen levels in men, increasing the risk of breast cancer.

Overweight and obesity. Older men who are overweight or have obesity have a higher risk of getting breast cancer than men at a normal weight.

What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk?

If several members of your family have had breast or ovarian cancer, or one of your family members has a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, share this information with your doctor. Your doctor may refer you for genetic counseling. In men, mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can increase the risk of breast cancer, high-grade prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

If genetic testing shows that you have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, your doctor will explain what you should do to find cancer early, if you get it.


 “Fortunately, because the cancer was found early enough, the surgery was successful. But I never would have found it early if I hadn’t been screened,” says Robert.

“If I hadn’t been screened I wouldn’t have been able to see my son go off to college.” Robert

I’m a father of two, husband, and a farmer. I’ve had a full life. I watched my daughter graduate from college and graduate school, and my son graduate from high school. Now that both of our kids have left the house, my wife and I are beginning the next chapter of our life together. 

In 2016, I noticed I seemed to be getting more tired, from farming I thought. I decided to see my doctor for a checkup. I spoke with him about having a colonoscopy, even though I didn’t have any symptoms, aside from feeling tired. I wanted to get screened because it had been 7 years since my last colonoscopy. Also, my father had colon cancer when he was only 45 years old that he survived. Today, my father is 75 years old and in relatively good health.

I went in for my colonoscopy on January 10, 2022. Although no polyps were present during this screening (or during any screening I had prior), the doctor took tissue samples for a biopsy. A week later, the results came back and showed that I did in fact have colon cancer. On February 2, 2022, I underwent surgery to get rid of the cancer. 

Fortunately, because the cancer was found early enough, the surgery was successful. But I never would have found it early if I hadn’t been screened.

Now, I’m encouraging my wife to get a colonoscopy. People tell me that they are scared to get screened and scared to see what the screening might reveal. But I think it’s scarier if you have a tumor that the doctor can’t remove. I have a few brothers, and all of them have been screened. One of my brothers routinely has polyps that are removed.

If I hadn’t been screened I wouldn’t have been able to see my son go off to college, or enjoy this next chapter of my life with my wife and family. Today, I have a positive outlook on the life ahead of me. I also started exercising again and changing my diet. I’ve been getting back to the old me. Getting screened made me want to go enjoy every day.

Monday, April 8, 2024


“They is need support to the farmers to have a sustainable farming season, NALUMANGO


By Daily News Reporter

The entire Northern part of Chongwe district has recorded a 100 percent crop failure this farming season, due the drought.

And Vice President, MUTALE NALUMANGO says government has taken a proactive approach in addressing the adverse impact of the drought situation.

Mrs. NALUMANGO was speaking when she visited some farms in Chongwe’s Kanakantapa resettlement scheme, which has also been affected by the drought. Noted that once operational the water reservoir will be an answer to the climate related challenges that farmers are facing and can also be used for winter farming.

She further called for support in irrigation and energy so that farmers are able to drive sustainable farming.

And the Vice President urged farmers to diversify by also farming climate resilient crops such as cassava.

A young farmer, Anderson Phiri, of Chongwe District in Kanakantapa resettlement area bemoaned the loss incurred due to the droughts.

Mr Phiri explained that he was expecting to produce over 2000 by 50 kilogram bags of maize from a 7 Hector's rented farm, but the devastating effects of climate changed his odds.

And Peter Chileshe, a disabled beneficiary of resettlement land thanked the government for helping his family with settlement land where he now undertakes various income generation activities.

Mr Chileshe is also a beneficiary of the Social Cash Transfer and Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) that has improved his livelihood.

He urged Zambians to remain united especially during the period when the country is hit with effects of climate change. We go to sleep hungry”: Children surviving on boiled waterlily roots and wild fruits as drought devastates 50% of Zambia’s food crops.

Seven out of 10 provinces in Zambia have been impacted by the intense drought, with the El Niño induced dry spell killing crops and drying up water sources

Zambia’s crippling drought, the worst its seen in at least 20 years, is leading to widespread food shortages with some children forced to survive on a single daily meal of boiled waterlily roots, nuts and wild fruits, said Save the Children.

And Seven out of 10 provinces in Zambia have been impacted by the intense drought, with the El Niño induced dry spell killing crops and drying up water sources. The government has declared the situation a national emergency, with more than 1 million children facing severe food shortages.

Rains have failed in Zambia for nine weeks consecutively at a time when farming families needed it most, with almost half of the nation’s planted area destroyed, according to the Zambian President. Farming families are particularly hit hard by the changes in weather patterns, as they depend on rain to support the production of maize, the country’s principal food crop and have lost one million hectares (2.5 million acres) from 2.2 million planted crops due to the influence of El Nino on the 2023-2024 rainy season.

A combination of factors including limited humanitarian funding, double digit inflation rate, and skyrocketing food and commodity prices are exacerbating the food crisis in Zambia, with mothers in rural areas telling Daily News that they are unable to feed their children and fear for their lives.

Nine-year-old Namushi lives in Zambia’s Northern part of Chongwe district with her grandmother Mafelelezo, 55, her two sisters and cousins. Her mother is unwell, so Mafelelezo takes care of Namushi and her sisters. The current drought has left the extended family – who survive by farming a small area of land – in a desperate search for food each day.

Namushi told Daily News that hunger is the most challenging part of her day and that she doesn’t have the desire to play when she’s hungry.

She said: “The crops have all dried up compared to last year. It’s due to poor rainfall. When I see this, I feel hungry. We eat once a day. We eat the mashwa (waterlily root). We eat it boiled.

“When I’m hungry I don’t have the desire to play. I feel hungry at school. At times I feel like collapsing due to hunger. Last year things were a little better and there was food.”

Seven-year-old Lawrence also lives in the Northern part of Chongwe district with his mother, Inonge, 38, his 13-year-old sister and grandmother. They are a closely-nit family who rely on growing their own food to survive but the current drought has left the family with very little to eat.

Lawrence said: “There’s no rain. The maize has not grown well because of the hot sun. The food has been burnt by the sun. I feel bad. Sometimes we only eat once [a day]. Sometimes we go to sleep hungry. I feel bad when there’s no food to eat.”

Sitting across from Lawrence, his mother said:

“When my children miss meals and sleep on an empty stomach, you would think they are sick from the way they look. When we get food, and they eat a little food, then they start playing around and you realise it’s just the hunger that makes them sleep. When they’re hungry, they’re not energetic, they even look like they’re confused.”

“We’re asking the government to help us with food, so our children’s progress won’t be affected. If they give us food, we can prepare food for our children daily. When they’re well-fed, then they won’t fail to go to school, especially the little children. When they go to sleep on an empty stomach, they’ll fail to go to school.” Said Lawrence


Friday, April 5, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

Huawei Technologies and the Government have reiterated their commitment to diversify ICT investments through exploring various ICT solutions and products.

Speaking during the Huawei 2nd Mobile Mini Congress held in Lusaka, under the theme “Accelerating Zambia’s ICT industry and advancing the intelligent World”.

Huawei President for Carrier Business in the Southern Africa Region, Samuel Chen stated that Huawei seeks to strengthen collaborations that will accelerate the implementation of projects in energy solutions, smart education, mining and rural connectivity among others.

Mr. Chen also added that through the congress Zambia is being introduced to solutions and products that directly speak to its unique and immediate needs as well as making it competitive in the global ICT industry.

AND that the company wanted to use the congress to demonstrate how Zambia could boost the development of the small and medium businesses through fintech solutions and showcase innovative data solutions as well as demonstrate that sustainable development was possible through the provision of green energy solutions.

The event provides an immense opportunity to showcase a wide range of technologies ranging from 5G, 5.5G, Green development solutions, premium and intelligent ultra-band connectivity, digital and intelligent transformation.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Technology and Science Permanent Secretary Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu, read the speech on behalf of  the Minister, Hon. Felix Mutati stated that accelerating ICT’s in Zambia needs to be strong and with trusted partnerships such as Huawei which is walking the talk in being partner not only to government but other ICT players.

He further noted that connectivity is of critical importance because it was the only means government can access individuals and entrepreneurs can access digital services.

Mr. Mutati added that the accelerated pace of technology evolution demands seamless connectivity and resilient information and technologies foundation.

“As industries increasingly rely on digital platforms, the need for efficient infrastructure and digital transformation backed becomes cardinal. We need to continue expanding and building the necessary physical infrastructure such as broadband networks, data centres, and ICT facilities to support connectivity and ICT services across the country. We need to strengthen supportive policies and regulations that encourage investments, competition and innovation. As Government we have put in place the ICT policy and digital transformation agenda which serve as overarching frameworks to promote the growth of the ICT sector” The Minister said.

The Mini Mobile Congress is an off-shoot of the Mobile World Congress, an annual event held in Barcelona, Spain. It brings together all industry captains so as to highlight trends and insights on how technology is evolving world over, and how every country or institutions can benefit from it depending on what they need. It is a gigantic global exhibition of ICT products and solutions for various needs. This year marks the second time the Mini-Mobile Congress is being held in Zambia. The first one was last year held under the theme “Lighting up ICT’s for Zambia’s Digital Future”

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 PEPFAR Launches Nursing Leadership Initiative across Seven African Countries

By Daily News Reporter

Under the initiative, PEPFAR is providing $8 million in 2024 to support nurses at the forefront of the HIV/AIDS response in Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zambia

Ambassador Dr. John Nkengasong – U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Senior Bureau Official for Global Health Security and Diplomacy, overseeing the Department’s Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy – has launched the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Nursing Leadership Initiative to sustain gains and accelerate progress toward ending HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Under the initiative, PEPFAR is providing $8 million in 2024 to support nurses at the forefront of the HIV/AIDS response in Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zambia.

In these seven partner countries, the initiative invests in activities that will:

Enhance nurses’ skillsets to lead planning and delivery of HIV/AIDS services to curb disruptions in access to essential HIV services;

Help nurses to identify, advocate for, and leverage innovative digital solutions to enhance quality HIV service delivery;

Protect nurses by enhancing their infection prevention and control skills, providing supportive work environments, and supporting mental health needs;

Invest in the development, retention, and equitable distribution of the nursing workforce, aligned with each country’s national priorities, to ensure long-term sustainability of HIV service delivery; and

Enhance nurses’ communication and leadership skillsets.

PEPFAR implementing partners will also support partner nursing organizations in the seven initiative countries to undertake a needs assessment to guide initiative activities.




By Daily News Reporter

Hybrid Poultry Farm has launched the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI), in partnership with World Poultry Foundation. Hybrid is bringing improved village chicken known as Zambro to the Eastern Province through a pilot project in Rufunsa, Nyimba and Petauke.

The aim is to ensure that the rural communities are able to grow for profit by buying and rearing Zambro for meat and eggs, as well as selling them. Zambro offers high nutritional value in protein which will also enrich the lives of rural communities.

And this will also empower women in Zambia with a source of income and nutrition in this project and which is poised for growth and support the expansion of dual-purpose poultry in Zambia.

Hybrid Poultry Farm Zambia Chief Operation officer Arron Banda stated that this project will attain and provide technical poultry management to the people engaged in growing these in the rural areas,

Mr. Banda also highlighted that in the rural areas they is an increase of Village chicken keeping which need to be managed and supported.

And through this project more communities will provide an income and improve the nutrition status of these communities as they will have affordable source of protein derived from the low cost Zambro birds.

He further added that this project will give opportunities to the Small Scale Farmers to access chicks from brooder unites and give them profits, nutrition and income for their families.

And Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Hon Chikote Makozo stated that poultry plays a vital role in the live hood of the communities, and this project will strengthen the livestock subsector through sustainable interventions.

Hon Makozo further said that they is inadequate knowledge on poultry management and vaccination practices among farmers.

And the ministry will ensure that Hybrid poultry farm provides birds which will be pre-vaccinated at the hatchery and specifically bred to thrive in the rural areas environment by providing resilience productivity and sustainability to rural poultry farmers.

So Hybrid Poultry Farm has recruited 73 brooder units and supplied over 20,000 chicks in these three districts, it will also target 200 brooder units, 1000 Small Scale Producers and sale 1,000,000 chicks during the implementation the project.





“Injectable PrEP is a safe and effective HIV prevention tool that provides clients with two months of HIV protection between injections.”

By Daily News Reporter

The United States government delivered to Zambia the first shipment of injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medicine for HIV prevention, making Zambia the second country in the world (after the United States) to offer injectable PrEP.

This donation of 14,850 vials of injectable PrEP – called Cabotegravir Long Acting (CAB-LA) – to Zambia’s Ministry of Health will protect 2,000 Zambians against HIV for one year.  CAB-LA is a new HIV prevention method and the Ministry of Health is ensuring that equitable access to both urban and rural populations in Zambia is achieved.

The impact of this donation by US government it represents hope, progress, and a collective determination to create a healthier and brighter for adolescents in Zambia.

It is important that the people at risk of acquiring HIV can choose the HIV prevention method that works best for them and fits into their lifestyle. For those who have trouble taking a pill every day to prevent HIV, this long acting injectable may be a more manageable option.

And this will continue providing services to more than 15 million Zambians, and provides roughly one in every three-kwacha spent nationally on public healthcare.

Through PEPFAR partners with the Government of Zambia on the national HIV response through a broad range of services in HIV prevention, care, and treatment.  Over the past ten years PEPFAR has helped to reduce HIV incidence in Zambia from 72,000 new infections per year to 33,000 per year due to the scale up of HIV prevention interventions like PrEP. 

Just last year alone, nearly 275,000 individuals were initiated on PrEP, with more than 114,000 being adolescents and young people aged 15-24.

And one of the beneficiaries Martha said that “I chose injectable PrEP as my HIV prevention method as it's effective and lasts a long time. Right now I feel so great, I have peace of mind. ” This groundbreaking HIV prevention drug is now available in Zambia, potentially protecting thousands of Zambians from HIV acquisition.

 ZAAB AGAINST RIGHTS WHICH DON'T SUITS FARMERS Daily News Reporter Plant breeders' rights (PBR) or plant variety rights (PVR) are ri...