Africa: Accelerate Free Education for All
Focus on Free Quality Education; Expedite Positive Measures for Girls
By Daily News Reporter
African governments should accelerate plans to guarantee
free quality education from preschool through secondary education before 2030,
Human Rights Watch said today on the African Union (AU)’s Day of the African
Child, June 16, 2024.
Africa is the region with the world’s highest out-of-school
population. In 2021, 98 million children and older adolescents of primary and
secondary school age were out of school. The majority of pre-primary-age
children are unable to access early childhood education. Although significant
progress has been made across the continent to close gender gaps, more girls
are out of school than boys and many drop out before completing primary or
secondary education.
“Millions of African children are still waiting to get an
education, while millions more are in school but not receiving the quality
education their governments have pledged to provide,” said Mausi Segun, Africa
director at Human Rights Watch. “Dozens of African states have adopted
educational standards that contradict their human rights obligations,
compromising the quality of education available to African children.”
The 2024 theme for the Day of the African Child is:
“Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now.” With deadlines to
reach global and African education commitments fast approaching, African
governments should focus on guaranteeing access to quality free education and
remove legal, policy, and practice barriers that continue to deny an education
to millions of children, especially girls, Human Rights Watch said.
All African governments have adopted commitments to
guarantee 12 years of primary and secondary education for all children and to
provide at least one year of free pre-primary education. Deadlines set by
states to fulfill these goals are fast approaching, including the AU’s
Continental Education Strategy, which sets out member states’ objectives to be
met by 2025, and the Sustainable Development Goals, which should be reached by
2030. The AU set 2024 as its Year of Education to renew collective commitment
and joint action by African countries toward these goals and its longer-term
development agenda.
Some African states have taken important steps towards
guaranteeing these rights. In 2022, Zambia implemented a free education policy
from early childhood to secondary education in all public schools, while
Madagascar adopted a bill to provide for one year of free and compulsory
pre-primary education. In 2023, Sierra Leone adopted a new education law,
guaranteeing children a full 13 years of free education, including one year of
pre-primary as well as secondary education.
Financial barriers and the lack of free education have a
disproportionate impact on children from the poorest households, who are often
at higher risk of dropping out. All governments should adopt stronger measures
to advance free education and to end the practice of charging students
extra-official tuition and enrollment fees, charges for school materials, as
well as unaffordable payments for school uniforms and tackle other indirect
costs such as school transportation.
African governments’ commitments to guarantee at least one
year of pre-primary education have not been implemented consistently, Human
Rights Watch research shows. In Uganda, which adopted free primary education in
1997 and free secondary education in 2007, free pre-primary education is not
available. Human Rights Watch and the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
Uganda found that very high fees for children ages 3 to 5 in private
pre-primary schools exacerbate inequality in learning and create an
insurmountable barrier for most families, particularly those in rural areas and
those with little income.
African governments should adopt legal and policy frameworks
to guarantee the right to early childhood education and ensure that lower and
higher secondary education is free and available to all children across Africa,
Human Rights Watch said. They should particularly focus on ensuring that
universal access to primary and secondary education is underpinned by fully
free education.
African governments will not fulfill their obligations until
they have eliminated the biggest barriers and ended human rights abuses faced
by girls. Thousands of girls permanently drop out of school or are forced out
by teachers and school officials because they are pregnant or are parents, and
many are unable to continue schooling due to child marriage. Eighteen of the 20
countries with the world’s highest child marriage rates are in sub-Saharan
Africa. Most have very high rates of teenage pregnancy and high percentages of
girls out of secondary school.
Governments’ failures to tackle and prevent school-related
sexual violence and end impunity for sexual offenses is a serious obstacle for
many girls. In many countries, students, overwhelmingly girls, face high levels
of sexual and gender-based violence, including sexual exploitation, harassment,
and abuse by teachers, other school officials, and students.
In Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, and Senegal, some teachers
and school officials, as well as many motorcycle and bus drivers, sexually
exploit and coerce girls in exchange for money for tuition fees, menstrual
pads, and other basic items. In Senegal, in some contexts, the low retention
rate of girls is closely linked to fear that girls will be exposed to sexual
harassment and gender-based violence in school or that girls will be at high
risk of pregnancy because of the school environment.
Across the continent, progress has been made in advancing
the right to education of girls who are pregnant or parenting. Thirty-eight
countries have adopted policies related to the education of students who are
pregnant or parenting. Yet, even with these policies, some countries adhere to
measures that effectively hinder girls’ right to education, including the
denial or limitations on comprehensive sexuality education and inaction on
widespread school-related sexual violence.
More than 10 countries also adhere to punitive policies or
lack frameworks that acknowledge adolescent pregnancy in schools. At least 5
also make sexual behavior outside of marriage a criminal offense.
African governments should urgently review their policies
and adopt human rights-compliant measures for students who are pregnant or
parenting that fully reflect their commitments to advancing girls’ right to
education. Governments should also comprehensively respond to the broader needs
of girls who are parenting, including with social protection measures that
provide adequate financial support and guarantee access to child care and early
childhood education.
Governments should focus more resources on preventing
adolescent pregnancies by promoting and guaranteeing adolescents’ sexual and
reproductive rights, including access to comprehensive, non-judgmental
sexuality education and information.
“The African Union and states’ common vision for Africa’s
future through education is clear,” Segun said. “African governments should
urgently follow through on their commitments to guarantee fully free, quality
education in line with their human rights obligations by 2030.”