Monday, February 12, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

The 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has shown that Zambia has recorded slight improvement though the country is still among the two-thirds of countries that has serious corruption problems.

The CPI which ranks 180 countries and territories around the globe by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, scores on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

And according to Transparency International Zambia - TIZ presentation shows that over two-thirds of countries score below 50 out of 100, which strongly indicates that they have serious corruption problems.

Meanwhile, according to the latest 2023 CPI released by Transparency International, Zambia has scored 37 out of 100 from the 33 scored in 2022.

This simply means that Zambia has made a slight progress in moving towards 50 but is still miles away from reaching 100.

But although Zambia has made progress of moving from 33 to 37 out of 100, Zambia still has serious corruption problems according to Transparency International because it’s score is still below 50.

The 2023 perception index has also shown that Zambia has been ranked number 98 out of 180 countries and territories around the globe by their perceived levels of public sector corruption from 116 recorded in 2022.


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