Monday, December 2, 2024

Govt commends Beit Cure Children's hospital

By Happiness Chirwa

CHIBOMBO District Director of Health (DHD) has commended Beit Cure Children's hospital for donating an audiology booth to Mwachisompola Mini Hospital.

Dr Hendrix Yona said the opening of the audiology booth at that health facility was an important thing to both the Government and the residents of that area and sorrounding communities.

The audilogy [medical equipment] is used to examine and treat patients with ear, nose and throat problems, which is the reason it is mostly called ENT.

Dr Yona said the Government of Zambia was working extra hard to deliver quality health care services in all diseases which affects human being, therefore such donation from the Beit Cure Children's hospital was a milestone to the Government.

He said hearing loss is a global challenge, and as such the World Health Organization has recognized it as a fourth leading cause of disability.

He also lamented that, the World Health Organization has projected that by 2050: " Nearly 2.5 billion people - one in every four will live with some form of hearing loss."

"The opening of this audiology booth, at Mwachisompola Mini Hospital, will play a vital role in advancing Ear, Nose and Throat - ENT services in Zambia," he said.

He emphasized that the move signified a step in the right direction towards addressing the needs of ear, nose and hearing care among the people.

Dr Yona noted that the ear, nose and throat conditions negatively affect physical health, emotional well-being and social intergration of human beings.

Speaking earlier Beit Cure Medical Director Cyril Moyo said his hospital was proud to donate the audilogy booth at Mwachisompola Mini Hospital because it was fulfilling its objectives of delivering quality healthcare services in ear, nose and throat problems among the vulnerable children in that community and the province at large.

Dr Moyo said as the World Health Organization has predicted that by the year 2050, nearly 2.5 billion people, will have some form of hearing loss, his organization was working hard to provide care to vulnerable children with such conditions in many parts of the world.

"This reality by WHO compels us to act with compassion and determination, ensuring that no child is left behind in their journey toward better hearing, health and quality life

"This is why today, we have gathered here to celebrate a remarkable mileatone in the journey towards ensuring accessible, quality healthcare for all, especially in the realm of ear and hearing health," he said.

Dr Moyo said these in the speech read on his behalf by Dr Chisomo Shawa who is an orthopeadics surgeon that Beit Cure Children's Hospital.

He disclosed that the prevent project of community Ear and Hearing Health Care and Rehabilitation of Disability Loss has been an extraordinary intervention with funding from the Scotish Government.

He also said that initiative aligned with the ministry of health's 2022-2026 national health strategic plan which dedicated to addressing challenges within the health sector.

And medical Officer in- Charge Martin Lufumbo also commended  Beit Cure Children's Hospital for the gesture.

He said the audiology booth was a remarkable additional medical service at that hospital and was a shared vision for improving to the deliver of quality healthcare services to the people in that community and beyond.

Dr Lufumbo stressed that the openning of an audiology booth at that health facility, shall mark a new chapter in contributing positively to the mission of the hospital which aims at serving the people.

He sincerely commended the Beit Cure Children's hospital management and assured them that the equipment shall be put to good used and guarded jealously.

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