Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Infertility in couples how you can take care of…….

By Daily News reporter

Infertility can be a complex and emotionally challenging issue for couples. It's crucial for both partners to undergo thorough testing to determine the cause and explore treatment options. Here's a breakdown of the diagnostic process and treatment options for male infertility:

Diagnostic Process:

Physical Examination and Medical History: This involves a general physical examination, including examination of the genitals, and discussing any relevant medical history, including past illnesses, surgeries, and sexual habits.

Semen Analysis: This test evaluates the quantity, quality, and movement of sperm in the semen. It's usually the first step in diagnosing male infertility.

Additional Tests: Depending on the initial findings and suspected causes, further tests may be recommended, such as:

Scrotal ultrasound to detect structural abnormalities in the testicles.

Transrectal ultrasound to examine the prostate and check for blockages in the reproductive tract.

Hormone testing to assess hormone levels that affect sperm production.

Post-ejaculation urinalysis to check for retrograde ejaculation.

Genetic tests to identify any genetic abnormalities affecting fertility.

Testicular biopsy to assess sperm production directly.

Treatment Options:


Surgery: Surgical procedures may be recommended to correct anatomical abnormalities such as varicoceles or obstructions in the reproductive tract. In some cases, vasectomies can be reversed, or sperm can be retrieved directly from the testicles or epididymis.

Treating Infections: Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat infections of the reproductive tract, which can sometimes restore fertility.

Addressing Sexual Intercourse Problems: Medications or counseling may help with conditions like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, improving fertility.

Hormone Treatments: Hormone replacement therapy or medications may be prescribed to address hormonal imbalances affecting fertility.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART): ART procedures involve various techniques to assist with conception, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). These methods can be used if sperm quality or quantity is a concern.

When Treatment Isn't Successful:

In some cases, despite undergoing treatment, male fertility problems may remain unresolved. In such situations, alternatives like using sperm from a donor or adopting a child may be considered.

It's essential for couples dealing with infertility to communicate openly with their healthcare providers and explore all available options. Support from fertility specialists and counselors can also be beneficial throughout the process.

Monday, May 27, 2024


“More Than a Mother” Awards 2023 and “Diabetes and Hypertension” Awards 2023 Announced

By Daily News Reporter

Merck Foundation in partnership with H.E. Amai Dr. AUXILLIA MNANGAGWA, The First Lady of Zimbabwe and Ambassador of Merck Foundation More Than a Mother, announced the Zimbabwean winners of Merck Foundation Africa Media Recognition “More Than a Mother” Awards 2023 and “Diabetes and Hypertension” Awards 2023. Winners from the rest of the Africa were also announced, in partnership with African First Ladies, the Ambassadors of Merck Foundation More Than a Mother. The awards ceremony was held via Videoconference to felicitate all the media award winners.

The winners were announced and acknowledged by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of “More Than a Mother” campaign. The theme of “More Than a Mother” Awards was to raise awareness on any of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/or Stopping GBV at all levels and the theme of “Diabetes and Hypertension” Awards was to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle and raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension in the African countries.


Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej stated that, “I am proud to announce the winners from Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa. We have 83 winners from 22 African countries in partnership with my dear sisters First Ladies of Africa and Ambassadors of “Merck Foundation More than a Mother”.

This Merck Foundation Media Awards started in 2017, and year after year Merck foundation witnessed a substantial increase in the number of outstanding and regular entries from many African countries.

“All our winners are the Champions of critical and sensitive social and health issues in their communities.” Kelej said.

She added that “It's truly inspiring to witness how we're actively involving and engaging everyone, enabling them to be the voice of the voiceless and create a culture shift.

I'm delighted to extend a warm welcome as you join the Merck Foundation Alumni. Let’s keep raising awareness on social and health together.”


Merck Foundation is additionally rewarding the winners by providing them with one year access of an online educational training program called ‘MasterClass’. The MasterClass is an immersive online experience and self-paced learning course that can be accessed anywhere with the internet.

The following are the winners:

Here are the winners from West African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of The Gambia, H.E. FATOUMATTA BAH-BARROW; and The First Lady of Ghana and H.E. REBECCA AKUFO-ADDO:




Raissa Sambou, The Spectator, Ghana (First Position)




Emelia Naa Ayeley Aryee, Myjoyonline, Ghana (First Position)

Mariam Hamzat, Freelancer, Nigeria (Second Position)

Mariama, Dem Star.gm, The Gambia (Second Position)




Evelyn Kpadeh Seagbeh, New Narratives, Liberia (First Position)

Mavis Offei Acheampong, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), Ghana (Second Position)




Emmanuel Samani, TV3, Ghana (First Position)

Stanley Nii Blewu, TV3, Ghana (Second Position)


Here are the Winners from Southern African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Malawi, H.E. MONICA CHAKWERA; The First Lady of Zambia, H.E. MUTINTA HICHILEMA; The First Lady of Zimbabwe, H.E. Amai Dr. AUXILLIA MNANGAGWA:




Melody Mupeta, Zambia Daily, Zambia (First Position)

Gresham Ngwira, Freelancer, Malawi (Second Position)

Sonja Smith, The Namibian, Namibia  (Third Position)




Caroline Mapando, Africabrief, Malawi (Third Position)




Charlotte Nambadja, Desert Radio, Namibia (First Position)

Britta Mpata Blantyre, Synod Radio, Malawi (First Position)

Sera Tamina, Radio Icengelo, Zambia (Second Position)

Monde Chaba, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Zambia (Third Position)




Mirriam Kayemba, CAMNET TV,  Zambia (First Position)

Alepher Kasongo, MBC News, Malawi (Second Position)


Here are the winners from East African Countries:



Marco Maduhu, Nipashe Newspaper, Tanzania (First Position)

Elizabeth Angira, MT Kenya Times and People Daily, Kenya (First Position)

Shaban Njia, Nipashe Newspaper, Tanzania (Second Position)



Moraa Obiria, Nation Media Group, Kenya (First Position)

Isabella Maua Chemosit, The Times, Kenya (Second Position)

Aveline Kitomary, Tanzania Standard, Tanzania (Third Position)

Sophia Rukwaro, Black Hustlers TV, Kenya (Third Position)

Hudson Kuteesa, The New Times, Rwanda (Third Position)

Beatrice Philemon Mukocho, The Guardian Newspaper, Tanzania (Third Position)


Caren Waraba Sisya, Citizen Radio, Kenya (First Position)

Olga Fadhil Lungala, Moshifm Radio, Tanzania (Second Position)

Adam Hhando, CG FM, Tanzania (Second Position)

Namale Hajara Shahista, CBS FM, Uganda (Third Position)

Angela Kezengwa, Citizen Radio, Kenya (Third Position)



Walter Mwesigye, NTV Uganda, Uganda (First Position)

Elizabeth Atieno Ochieng, TV 47 KENYA, Kenya (Second Position)

Here are the winners from French Speaking African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Burundi, H.E. ANGELINE NDAYISHIMIYE; The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo, H.E. DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI:



Koami Agbetiafa, Societe, Niger (First Position)

Astère NDUWAMUNGU, www.lerenouveau.bi, Burundi (Second Position)

Traore Brehima, The TOGUNA, Mali (Third Position)



Mêmèdé Ambroisine Azododassi, Savoir News, Togo (First Position)

Jessy NZENGU, lualabamaprovince.com, DRC (First Position)

AYIBE Ablavi Ayélo, SAVOIR NEWS, Togo (Second Position)

Tognisse Pugilbert Yannick, Benin (Third Position)

Haburanimana Gérard, Agaseke.bi, Burundi (Third Position)

JEANINE NYABENDA, Ijisho Web Site News TV, Burundi (Third Position)



Cyriaque NDAYISHIMIYE, Radio TV BUNTU, Burundi (First Position)

Edmond Niyonkur, Radio Ubuzima-FM, Burundi (Second Position)



Bahwa Ferdinand, Le Journal.Africa, Burundi (First Position)

Amadou BELLO, Balafon Direct, Cameroon (Second Position)

Here are the winners from Portuguese Speaking African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Cabo Verde, H.E. Dr. DÉBORA KATISA CARVALHO:



Ângelo Amaro Semedo, DW África, Cabo Verde (First Position)



Maria José Teixeira Veiga Macedo, Rádio de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde (First Position)



Edineia Barros, TV Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde (First Position)


Merck Foundation "Diabetes & Hypertension" Media Recognition Awards 2023


Here are the winners from West African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Ghana, H.E. REBECCA AKUFO-ADDO:



Jennifer Ambolley, Chronicle, Ghana (First Position)

Godwin Awuni Anafo, Daily Graphic, Ghana (Second Position)



Odimegwu Onwumere, thenigerianvoice.com, Nigeria (First Position)

Muniratu Akweley Issah, Ghana News Agency, Ghana (Second Position)

Cecilia Lagba Yada, Ghanaian Times, Ghana (Third Position)



Grace Hammoah Agyemang, TV3, Ghana (First Position)


Here are the Winners from Southern African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Zambia, H.E. MUTINTA HICHILEMA:


Maria Kandjungu, Unwrap, Namibia (First Position)

Alain Kabinda, Daily News Agency, Zambia (Second Position)

Rosalia Hipondoka, DBS Blogposts, Namibia (Third Position)



Henry Haukeya, MBC Radio, Malawi (First Position)

Sylviah Chisi, Trans World Radio Malawi (TWR), Malawi (Second Position)

Martha Mzumara, Trans World Radio Malawi (TWR), Malawi (Third Position)

Here are the winners from East African Countries:



Christina Stephen Mwakangale, Nipashe, Tanzania (First Position)


Lucy John Bosco, Mwananchi Online, Tanzania (First Position)

Dorcas Wangira, BBC, Kenya (Second Position)

Veronica Romwald Mrema, Freelancer, Tanzania (Third Position)

Tulinagwe Alison Malopa, Gazetini, Tanzania (Third Position)



Mildrine Nafula Sabwami, North Rift Radio FM, Kenya (First Position)

Mwanaisha Mohamed Makumbuli, Highlands FM Radio, Tanzania (Second Position)


Here are the winners from French Speaking African Countries in partnership with The First Lady of Burundi, H.E. ANGELINE NDAYISHIMIYE; and The First Lady of Democratic Republic of the Congo, H.E. DENISE NYAKERU TSHISEKEDI:



Moïse NKURUNZIZA, Le Renouveau du Burundi, Burundi (First Position)


Cassien Tribunal Aungane, Diplomacy & Development, DRC (First Position)

Akossiwa Agossivi YIBOKOU-MENSAH, SAVOIR NEWS, TOGO (Second Position)

Alphonse Julio GADA, GLOBAL NEWS BÉNIN, Benin (Third Position)

Petga Tonga Valgadine, lavoixdukoat.com, Cameroon (Third Position)


Honorine NININAHAZWE, Burundi National Radio, Burundi  (First Position)

Maurice TUNINAHAZIMANA, Radio TV Buntu,          Burundi (Second Position)

Rémy RUKUNDO, TV BUNTU, Burundi (Third Position)



Here is the winner from Portuguese Speaking African Country in partnership with The First Lady of Mozambique, H.E. ISAURA FERRÃO NYUSI:



Abdul Ibraimo, Radio of Mozambique, Mozambique (First Position)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

Zambia's inflation has risen by 13.5%, driven by the drought and the country's weaker exchange rate. The Bank of Zambia has hiked its interest rate to 2.4% this quarter, the highest consideration in recent years, to stabilize the local currency and arrest the runner-away inflation.

Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya has warned that the continued movement of inflation away from the projected 6-8 percent annual target could undermine macroeconomic stability and efforts towards robust and sustained growth.

And the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) calls for urgent countervailing action to contain persistent inflationary pressures. This has been primarily due to the exchange rate channel and rising inflation expectations. Projections show that inflation may average 9.8% from 9.9% and 7.4% in Q1 2026. The escalation of inflationary pressures during the quarter under review was a factor in the economic downturn induced by a weaker exchange rate and the drought, which weighed on output for firms in manufacturing and agriculture sectors.

Growth prospects for 2024 look gloomy, with projections averaging 2.3% from the earlier projection of 4.4% driven by the expected impact of the current drought, with agriculture and energy being the most adversely affected sectors. There is an increased need for various players-led by the government to work towards redressing the escalating inflation or risk derailing macroeconomic stability.

However, there is hope of economic growth in 2025, though sluggish, with mining companies contributing lower than envisaged mineral royalties. Industrial players attribute the inactivity status at various mining sites to lack of investment to recapitalize operations.

So far the Bank of Zambia has provided market support of $369 million to moderate volatility and broadly support the importation of critical commodities.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

 Zambia is joins ‘’the global’’ of eliminating TB by 2020

(Top picture Dr Mubanga below picture Dr David Singini)


The Zambian Government through the Ministry of Health is making strides to work with all stakeholders to join the global goal of eliminating tuberculosis TB by the year 2030.

In an interview ahead of TB Day in Lusaka, National TB/Leprosy Programme Manager Angel Mubanga says TB drugs are free in all Government health facilities, adding that TB is curable once the patient completes the prescribed treatment.

He says the Government has realized that some people die from TB because they have a mirth that TB is incurable, while others believe that TB can only be treated by traditional healers as it is being caused by being cursed or after bewitched as such they do not seek to avoid modern treatment.

Dr Mubanga said in view of eliminating TB in Zambia the Government has embarked on what it is termed as, Matching Towards, Finding 45,000 People With TB and put them on treatment in order to achieve the goal of eliminating TB by 2030.

 He said that people at risk of contracting TB are in two categories which include those with low immunity and those who work in dusty places.

The category of low immunity are people with chronic illnesses or underline conditions such as diabetic, people living with HIV, those on cancer treatments such as chemotherapy patients and chronic kidney problems among others.

Those who work in dusty places are also at risk of contracting TB, because they inhale dust which has a potential of damaging their lungs. Once their lungs are damaged, they become so susceptible to developing TB.

“In the category of people who work in dusty places include the miners, stone crushers, cement loaders, people who work in hammer hills, in quarries.

Those who work in construction industries such as building companies and those in roads are at high risks of contracting the disease.

‘’We are saying that people who work in environments where they are subjected to inhaling dust should always ensure protecting themselves from inhaling dust,’’ he said.

The professional medical advice for people working in industries is that: ‘’They should use industrial masks or face masks or indeed use any piece of cloth to cover the mouth and nose to prevent dust from entering the body through the mouth and nose and subsequently go to the lungs.

He further highlighted that cigarette smoking and heavy alcohol consumption also put people at higher risk of developing TB as those two lifestyles contribute to lower the peoples’ immunities.

The other thing which puts each individual at risk of developing TB is when the lungs are damaged. We know that the major thing that highly contributes to the damage of the lung is dust.

Therefore people who work in such places are advised to go often to have tested for TB at any Government health facility.

Dr Mubanga explained that every human being has got TB. This is the TB people in the health fraternity commonly referred to as latent TB or dormant TB.

The dormant TB gets triggered when someone faces a challenge of low immunity or happens to have lungs damaged due to dust inhaling.

“The Zambian government in collaboration with cooperating partners offers all TB tests and treatments free, so each individual who thinks is at a risk of developing TB is always advised to go for a test at any nearby government health facility,’’ he said.

The doctor also explains that those individuals who are not with any symptoms of TB but work in dusty environments are encouraged to go to health facilities and screened for TB.

If such a person found TB negative, he can be put on a preventive therapy or treatment which can last for one month or two months.

Health workers put people who work in TB risk environments on TB preventive therapy because they know that those ones always are at higher risk of developing the disease.

Dr Mubanga emphasized that TB is curable and all health facilities in Zambia have enough drugs to treat TB.

It is estimated that each year 60 000 people in Zambia fall ill with TB. 45 000 represents 75 percent of the estimated burden of TB in Zambia.

The goal of the Ministry of Health is to eliminate TB in Zambia by 2030 in line with Global Target.

In order to accelerate progress towards this goal, the National TB program has embarked on a program called Matching towards finding 45 000 people with TB.

Among other stakeholders working with the Ministry of health to eliminate TB in Zambia is Centre for Infectious Diseases and Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) under the project of USAID Tuberculosis Local Organizations Network Project (TBLON)

Dr David Singini is Southern province regional TB technical lead and explains that TB is an airborne disease caused by a germ called mycobacterium tuberculosis.

He laments that TB is one of the leading causes of death from an infectious agent, adding that globally, in 2022, 10.6 million people (133 in 100,000 populations per year) people got infected with this devastating disease.

In his paper presentation at the media engagement workshop in Livingstone recently, Dr Singini said according to the World Health Organization Global TB report for 2023, 1.2 million people died world over

“Zambia is one of the top 30 high TB burden countries in the world. In 2022 alone there were 59,000 new TB cases in Zambia, this translated to 295 in 100,000 people were infected with TB. Further 5 300 people had died in the same year.

Other statistics show that in 2019 Southern Province was one of two provinces which had recorded the highest number of persons that died from TB.

 The TBLON project has since partnered with the Ministry of Health in taking some measures that could help in mitigating the escalating number of TB cases in the country.

Dr Singini cited among other interventions as training of health workers on the Ministry of Health recommended TB treatment approaches for TB.

The other one is supporting establishment and strengthening of courier systems for sputum sample transportation from regions without testing capacity to facilities with machines for testing for TB.

The Southern Province regional TB Technical Lead – USAID Tuberculosis Local Organizations Network says linking of private health facilities and district health offices so that TB services are being accessed at little or no cost to members of the public that go to private health facilities.

He also mentioned the programme of engaging civic and traditional areas for sensitization and awareness on TB disease in communities as another workable measure.

Mr George Musole is one of the living testimonies of having been cured from TB after being bedridden for more than six months.

A 53-year-old man of Lusaka’s Garden Compound got sick in 2010 and for more than six months he was bedridden.

‘’Yes TB is curable, because for me, I was diagnosed with TB. I was sick for more than six months, some people started saying that I was bewitched because I was shivering a lot and I lost weight.

‘’But when my brother took me to the hospital it came out that I had TB and I was commenced on treatment, after nine months I was again texted and I was told I had no TB anymore,’’ he said.

Mr Musole, a bricklayer by profession, has since gone back to his work and he says since then he lives a healthier life.

It is everyone’s role to support the Government and its cooperating partners to attain the goal of eliminating TB by the year 2030.

 StanChart ‘banks’ on 15 Zambian female entrepreneurs


As 15 candidates make the short-list for the US$10,000 prize                                                                             


Standard Chartered Bank CEO, Sonny Zulu, has said that the Bank leads the way in supporting female entrepreneurship in Zambia. He was speaking at an event to celebrate 15 Zambian female entrepreneurs who have been short-listed for the Standard Chartered Bank Women in Tech programme in Lusaka last night.

Launched in 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Standard Chartered Women in Tech provides grants of US$10,000 each to those Zambian women who demonstrate how they will use technology to scale up their businesses. In 2024, 15 women have made it to the short list. They will battle it out for the much-coveted top prize of a US$10,000 grant to scale up their businesses. This year, the Bank has increased the number of winners from 5 to 6.

The 15 short-listed businesses are from a diverse range of sectors – from education and childcare service Apps to maid service Apps and creative arts, amongst others.

Mr. Zulu emphasised that beyond the internet, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to be way bigger and will form an integral part of how we do business. He challenged the female entrepreneurs to take advantage of AI and make ways to start adopting it as soon as possible.

The 15 short-listed candidates will now go on to pitch their ideas to an independent panel of judges – six will emerge as winners and receive US$10,000 each.

The Standard Chartered Women in Tech aligns with the Bank’s key priorities of lifting the participation of women in Zambia’s economy, as well as supporting small business enterprises (SMEs). Since it was launched, the Bank has invested over half a million US Dollars into the programme.




Wednesday, April 24, 2024


The Inauguration of the 10th Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary in Mumbai, India, sounds like a truly momentous occasion, filled with collaboration and celebration. Partnering with esteemed institutions and government bodies, including the Tata Memorial Centre and Department of Atomic Energy, reflects the Merck Foundation's commitment to advancing healthcare and education on a global scale.

The presence of African First Ladies from 11 countries underscores the importance of this event in fostering partnerships and exchanging knowledge to address critical healthcare challenges across the continent. Their participation highlights their dedication to improving healthcare access and quality in their respective countries.

The Merck Foundation's provision of over 1740 scholarships to young doctors from 50 countries in essential specialties is commendable. By focusing on critical and underserved areas such as Oncology, Diabetes, and Fertility Care, the foundation is not only supporting the development of healthcare professionals but also addressing pressing healthcare needs in diverse communities.

The emphasis on training and clinical experience in India, through partnerships with prestigious institutions like the Tata Memorial Center and Manipal University, demonstrates the foundation's commitment to providing high-quality education and practical skills to scholarship recipients.

Moreover, celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the Merck Foundation and reflecting on its 11-year journey of development programs highlights the foundation's long-term commitment to making a meaningful impact in healthcare and education globally.

Overall, the Inauguration of the 10th Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary represents a significant milestone in advancing healthcare and education partnerships across continents. It serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in addressing healthcare challenges and improving lives worldwide.




The Merck Foundation's "Educating Linda" program is indeed a commendable initiative aimed at empowering young African girls through education. Recognizing the transformative power of education in advancing women's empowerment and fostering national development, the program provides opportunities for underprivileged but talented girls to pursue their dreams and fulfill their potential.

By tailoring the program to each country's specific needs and circumstances, the Merck Foundation ensures that it effectively addresses the challenges faced by girls in accessing quality education. Through scholarships and grants covering school fees, uniforms, and essential supplies, such as notebooks and pens, the program removes financial barriers and enables girls to continue their education without hindrance.

The impact of the "Educating Linda" program extends beyond individual beneficiaries to contribute to the overall empowerment and prosperity of the participating countries. By investing in the education of girls, these nations stand to benefit from a more skilled and empowered workforce, leading to greater social and economic progress.

Moreover, the program's alignment with the Merck Foundation's "More Than a Mother" campaign underscores the holistic approach to addressing women's issues and promoting gender equality. By recognizing the multifaceted challenges faced by women, including infertility stigma, and addressing them through initiatives like "Educating Linda," the foundation demonstrates its commitment to creating meaningful change in communities across Africa.

Overall, the Merck Foundation's "Educating Linda" program exemplifies the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing women's empowerment and fostering sustainable development. Through education, these young girls are not only given the opportunity to realize their potential but also to become catalysts for positive change in their communities and beyond.

Top of Form




By Daily News Reporter

The launch of new age Information Technology degree programs by Texila American University Zambia is a significant step towards equipping students with the digital skills needed to meet international standards. This initiative, endorsed by Dr. Clement Sinyangwe, President of the Information Communication Technology Association of Zambia (ICTAZ), aligns with the evolving direction of the industry and underscores the university's commitment to providing cutting-edge education.

Dr. Sinyangwe's remarks highlight the importance of promoting research and innovation in the IT sector, emphasizing ICTAZ's role in fostering a conducive environment for the development of IT professionals in Zambia. He commends Texila American University Zambia for establishing itself as a center of excellence for learning, research, and innovation in Information Technology, recognizing the potential of IT to drive the country's technological growth and development.

The introduction of new age IT degree programs not only enhances the skills of students but also contributes significantly to the advancement of Zambia's ICT ecosystem. In today's digital era, where technology plays a vital role in various aspects of life, the demand for skilled IT professionals is higher than ever before, as Dr. Sinyangwe rightly points out.

Furthermore, Choolwe Nalubamba, Director General of the Zambia Information Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA), emphasizes the importance of increasing the number of professionals in the ICT sector to meet the growing demand for IT services. The launch of these new degree programs is seen as a pivotal moment that will provide learners with education aligned with international standards, preparing them to meet the needs of the industry and contribute to Zambia's digital transformation.

Overall, initiatives like these not only enhance the skills of the workforce but also create opportunities for all Zambians to participate in and benefit from the digital revolution. Through concerted efforts in promoting digital literacy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, Zambia can position itself as a leader in the global digital economy.






By Daily News Reporter

The Entrepreneurs Financial Center (EFC) has achieved a remarkable milestone by being officially rated 'A' by Premier Rating Services, making it the first Microfinance Institution in Zambia to attain such a prestigious rating. This achievement reflects the dedication and collaborative efforts of EFC's staff members.

Mrs. Hellen Samatebele, Director of EFC Zambia, expressed her gratitude for the rating, emphasizing that it underscores the institution's commitment to strong risk management and governance practices. She highlighted EFC's focus on aligning with best practices beyond mere regulatory compliance, indicating a proactive approach to financial management.

Moreover, Mrs. Samatebele noted that EFC has developed a diverse range of products tailored to meet the needs of various players in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) segment. This demonstrates EFC's responsiveness to the evolving needs of the business community and its commitment to supporting MSMEs.

Furthermore, Mrs. Samatebele emphasized EFC's dedication to building capabilities, resilience, and passion for serving the MSME sector, signaling the institution's long-term commitment to fostering economic growth and development.

In light of this achievement, Mrs. Samatebele called upon stakeholders to collaborate with EFC to empower small businesses and positively impact Zambia's economy. This collaborative approach underscores the importance of partnerships in driving sustainable economic growth and fostering entrepreneurship.

On behalf of EFC's Chairperson, Dr. Leo Chimuka Haamukwanza, Mrs. Samatebele conveyed the institution's commitment to continued excellence and innovation in serving the needs of MSMEs.

Additionally, Dionysius Makunka, CEO of Premier Rating Services, commended EFC for its outstanding achievement, highlighting the impartial and professional nature of the rating process. This recognition further validates EFC's commitment to excellence and reinforces its position as a leading Microfinance Institution in Zambia.

Overall, EFC's 'A' rating is a testament to its commitment to excellence, innovation, and responsible financial management, positioning it as a trusted partner for MSMEs and a driver of economic growth in Zambia.



By Daily News Reporter

UBA Zambia's CEO, Chinedu Obeta, has certainly set a commendable example with the announcement of a 35% salary increment for all employees ahead of Labour Day celebrations. Such a substantial increase reflects not only the bank's appreciation for its workforce but also its commitment to equitable reward practices and fostering a supportive workplace environment.

By recognizing the dedication and contributions of its staff, UBA Zambia underscores the importance of valuing employees as key stakeholders in the bank's success. Mr. Obeta's emphasis on hard work and dedication as crucial elements in the bank's growth resonates with the ethos of recognizing and rewarding merit.

Moreover, the announcement of promotions for 47 staff members across various departments further highlights UBA Zambia's commitment to nurturing talent and ensuring professional growth opportunities within the organization. This approach not only motivates employees but also strengthens the bank's internal capabilities and expertise.

Mr. Obeta's message of reflection on Labour Day and acknowledgment of workers' contributions worldwide reinforces the bank's commitment to creating a supportive and rewarding workplace environment. Such sentiments resonate deeply, especially in times when the global workforce faces various challenges and uncertainties.

UBA Zambia's achievements in recent years are indeed a testament to the collective efforts of its employees and the bank's vision of being Africa's global bank and partner. Through initiatives like salary increments, promotions, and fostering a positive work culture, UBA Zambia continues to demonstrate its commitment to excellence and employee well-being.




They is need to fight corruption through whistle blowing system initiative- Habeenzu, 

By Daily News Reporter

It's fantastic to see Zambia's commitment to tackling corruption through innovative means like the whistle-blowing hackathon. The Ministry of Technology and Science, led by Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu, has shown great initiative in fostering local solutions to national challenges. The dedication of participants from various sectors, including IT enthusiasts, students, and corporate entities, underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing technology for social and economic progress.

The winners, Musekiwa Moyo, Davies Ikowa, and O'Brian Shinandu, deserve commendation for their outstanding contributions. Their prototypes of a whistle-blowing system reflect not only their technical prowess but also their commitment to promoting transparency and accountability in Zambia. The prize presentation ceremony held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka must have been an inspiring moment, highlighting the potential of local innovation to drive positive change.

The involvement of organizations like the ICTAZ, under the leadership of CEO and Registrar Chellah Silavwe and President Dr. Clement Sinyangwe, is crucial in nurturing talent and promoting innovation within the information technology sector. By hosting regular hackathons and providing platforms for collaboration, the association plays a vital role in fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem in Zambia.

It's heartening to see initiatives like the whistle-blowing hackathon gaining momentum and contributing to Zambia's journey towards a digital economy. With continued support from both the government and private sector stakeholders, Zambia is indeed headed in the right direction in harnessing technology for development and combating corruption.

  EMPOWER CREATIVE INDUSTIRES TO BENEFIT FROM THEIR WORKS-CHAMA By Daily News Reporter PACRA and ARIPO engaged players in Zambia’s Creat...