Thursday, January 23, 2025


By Daily News Reporter 

National Health Insurance Management (NHIMA) which was established under National Health Insurance Act of 2018 which aims provide financial health services to communities through the national health system and universal access to quality insured healthcare services.

Zambia's health Sector through private sectorss submitted their concerns on the operation of National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) to the National Assembly's Committee on Health, Community Development, and Social Services.

Speaking during the submissions to the committee Amos Mwale, Executive Director of the Centre for Reproductive Health and Education,  stated that NHIMA plays a crucial role in promoting Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in all 10 provinces of this country.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Daily News Reporter

Plant breeders' rights (PBR) or plant variety rights (PVR) are rights granted to the breeder of a new variety of plant that give the breeder exclusive control over the propagating material and harvested material of a new variety for a number of years.

Farmers’ Rights play a crucial role in shaping inclusive seed legislation. These rights recognize the essential contributions of farmers to agricultural biodiversity and the conservation of plant genetic resources. So Farmers have the right to save, use, exchange, and sell seeds from their own harvest. This practice helps maintain local crop diversity and adaptability.

And in addition farmers should be actively involved in decisions related to seed policies, research, and development. Their traditional knowledge and practices contribute significantly to sustainable agriculture.

Farmers should have access to diverse genetic resources, including traditional varieties. This access enables them to adapt to changing environmental conditions and improve crop resilience.

When commercial varieties are developed using farmers’ genetic resources, fair and equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms should be in place. This ensures that farmers receive compensation for their contributions.

Farmers’ Rights protect against unfair practices such as seed patents and restrictive intellectual property rights that hinder farmers’ ability to save and exchange seeds.

And Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB) is against Zambia’s intention to join the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). They express concern about the undue influence of the UPOV secretariat in drafting Zambia’s new Bill.A

Speaking to Daily News Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB) country coordinator Mutinta Nketani, stated that amending a sovereign law solely to further outside and private interests at the expense of national interests, particularly farmer’s rights, is unacceptable. The proposed amendments aim to align Zambia’s laws with the UPOV 1991 standards, but Nketani argues that this model is ill-suited for Zambia’s context. It fails to support the country’s diverse food and farming system and limits adaptation to climate change.

Nketani has urged the government to abandon efforts to pass, repeal, and adopt the proposed new Bill to officially join UPOV. Let them Facilitate an open and transparent national discussion on farmer’s rights.

“Develop and adopt a comprehensive legal framework to fully implement Zambia’s obligations regarding farmer’s rights” Nketani said.

She further said that if enacted, the Bill could pose a threat to Zambia’s agro-biodiversity, lead to increased seed prices, and potentially result in corporate control over the seed and food system. It’s essential to balance international standards with local needs and priorities. (© Copyright Reserved) 


Monday, December 30, 2024


THE performance was monitored by MORETA ZAMBIA 

By Daily News Reporter 

The following update performance is as follows:

1. Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) 20.5%

2. Secondary Schools Teachers Union of Zambia (SESTUZ) 27% 

3. Basic Education Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ) 41.5%

4. Professional Teachers Union of Zambia (PROTUZ) 1.5%

5. National Union of Private and Public Educators in Zambia (NUPPEZ) 2.5% 

6. United Teachers Union of Zambia (UNITUZ) 5%

7. Special Educators Teachers Union (SPETUZ) 1.5%

8. Professional Educators Union of Zambia (PEUZ) 0.5%

9. Amalgamation Rural Teachers Union of Zambia (ARTUZ) 0.0%

10. Zambia Teachers Union (ZATU) 0.0%

11. 12. National Teachers Union of Zambia (NATUZ) 0.0%

12. National Educators Union of Zambia (NEUZ) 0.0%

13. Dynamic Teachers Union of Zambia (DTUZ) 0.0%

14. Zambia Union of Professional Educators (ZUPE) 0.0%

15. Zambia Union of Teacher Empowerment (ZUTE) 0.0%


Friday, December 13, 2024

 4.5 billion people lack essential health services and 2 billion face financial barriers-Chitindi

By Daily News Reporter

This year’s theme—Health: It’s on the government! It urges world leaders to uphold their commitments to Universal Health Coverage, as promised in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and recent Universal Health Coverage political declarations. With over global 4.5 billion people lacking essential health services and 2 billion of them facing financial barriers, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

On behalf of Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance representing organization members of Non-Communicable Diseases including Heart Diseases, Strokes, Cancers, Diabetes, Mental Health, Diabetes, Asthma, Epilepsy and many more would like to request the Government of Zambia for an urgent attention to the surge in health-related poverty in Zambia.

Zambia committed to accelerate progress on Universal Health Coverage, which emphasizes establishing policies that increase access to quality essential health services and reduce out of pocket expenditures which lead to financial hardship and ensure financial risk protection for all throughout the life course, especially for the poor and those in vulnerable situations as they are experiencing financial hardship due to health spending. The Zambia NCD Alliance is therefore asking the Government of Zambia to Champion a targeted set of actions to achieve the commitment to ensure financial protection for all when accessing essential health services.

The cost of health services is the leading reason for people to forego essential care and refrain from purchasing all the medicines they need. These costs can force families to choose between paying for a visit to the doctor and other necessities, such as food, education or other essentials. Such trade-offs can hinder early treatment of disease and, at a later stage, lead to severe illness or become life threatening.

Ms Brenda Chitindi Member of the Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance issued a statement to Daily News that the government of Zambia need to reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket payments for health services and products and remove financial barriers to access a package of essential health services, education improves as healthy children learn better, equality of women and girls increases, worker absenteeism declines, and health-related poverty decreases. Furthermore, when the population is healthy, economies prosper and productivity rises.

Ms Chitindi also urged the government to introduce laws, budgets, policies and programmes to reduce financial barriers and protect people from financial hardship when accessing essential health services, prioritizing those in the most marginalized and vulnerable situations.  In particular, we ask that the government of Zambia should:

“they is need to Establish or strengthen the National Health Insurance Scheme that should cover health care costs for the entire population and guarantee access to an affordable core package of essential health services, including quality medicines”, Ms Chitindi Said.

They is need to Prioritize the financial protection needs of people in vulnerable and marginalized situations and minimize or remove user charges for people with low income or chronic conditions.

And Implement social protection interventions like cash transfers where necessary to cover direct medicine costs or opportunity loss of income costs related to sickness.

Ms Chitindi has called on the government to implement the World Health Assembly resolution on social participation for Universal Health Coverage, health and well-being endorsed by WHO Member States in May 2024. It is important that people can express their voice in policy making and how they want their tax money to be used. Including them in decision making on matters that affect their health and well-being as it is the most effective way to build trust with communities and ensure public policies respond to their needs.

She has also further urged the Ministry of Health to refer to the Universal Health Coverage 2030 action agenda an action-oriented policy recommendation to strengthen resilient and equitable health systems.

“We strongly urge the government of Zambia to take action to reduce health-related poverty by implementing financial protection for health,” Ms Chitindi added.


 By Moses Walubita

Rosemary Mumbi runs a Christian community school in one of Lusaka’s squatter compounds. From two pupils at inception to 2,000 have passed through the school which has sent out into different career paths nearly 105 ‘O’ Level students who have graduated.

Rosemary, a retired teacher (though she is still teaching at her school), shares inspiring stories of her life. For example, when Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) was preparing for Independence she overheard a very familiar conversation between two white colonialists who said: “This country will go to the dogs if we (Europeans) lost the elections.”

It did not surprise young Rosemary because those were the usual sentiments among the white population, that blacks had neither education nor the intelligence to govern themselves. She set out to help change the narrative through education for the indigenous Zambian. Her whole life’s formal Education was done under colonial rule.

To her shock one day returning home for a school vacation, Rosemary (then aged 15 years), had to be run out of the village like a thief by her mother when news broke out that she was to be married off to a 40-year old man as per tradition. The man had already his built a hut in village.

 Rosemary’s mother preferred she continued with education. Rosemary has been a secondary school teacher since January 1964, the year Zambia gained her Independence from British Colonial Rule.

Rosemary made a serious commitment to God and herself that she should stand as a role model by successfully completing her education. She did this in December 1963. Because education is an equalizer, she chose to become a teacher.

Education is the only tool to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her 58 years’ of teaching has made her realize that education is matter of either life or death for girls. As to how education fits into SDGs, Rosemary believes they are the equalizer, liberator and a promoter from one level of understanding to another level.

Because of her education Rosemary was able to represent Zambia at Independence on 24 October, 1964. She was in Independence Stadium in capital city when the British flag was lowered down for the last time and the country’s One Zambia New Nation flag went up and seeing the founding father Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda sworn in as Republic’s first President.

Rosemary’s school started in 2003 without a budget in a small rented room that neither had running water nor electricity. Forty students have finished their tertiary education in 2022. Support from well-wishers in Zambia and abroad is big.

Rosemary Chanda Mumbi aged 82, is a widow, a mother of five grown children and a grandmother of ten, five boys and five girls.


By Edwin Lifwekelo

The just ended ruling on the eligibility of Former President Edgar Lungu has validated our scepticism on the UPND appointed judges of the Constitution Court.

The Court failed to redeem itself from it's earlier position in the process eroding Confidence and Credibility in the Judiciary.

The UPND government must free the judiciary from harassment and intimidations,they have instilled fear in the Men and Women who are afraid of losing their Jobs.

iam afraid the current crop of Constitution Court Judges do not instill and inspire Confidence in the people.

if the ruling on Edgar Chagwa Lungu is something to go by it simply means the road ahead of the 2026 Presidential and Parliamentary elections will highly be contentious and turbulent.

Our democracy is at Cross roads and we need to immediately start looking at ways of addressing these challenges before the 2026 General Elections.

The Constitutional Court ruling failed the test of impartiality.

We appeal to our citizens and our party Membership to remain focused and Vigilant and not to loose sight of the bigger picture that of removing this tyrant regime from power come 2026.

Our Democracy is being mutilated and overrun by the UPND government which does not mean well for the people of zambia.

it's hell bent on pillaging our democracy through hook and crook.

The UPND government has failed to observe the tenant's of Democracy

Congratulations for winning the Constitutional judgement but I can tell you come the General Elections WINA AZALIlA

l think anyone Celebrating the Constitutional ruling is deceiving themselves, they should wait for the verdict of the people in 2026

.Our advice to the UPND government is Stop deceiving yourselves,learn from mistakes of others.

You promised the people of zambia Free independent judiciary,respect of the rule of law and Free Fair elections,none of these has happened under the watch of President Hakainde Hichilema.

The ruling by the constitutional court is not a loss for the PF,it's a loss for democracy in Zambia.

This matter now even gets worse with the concerns that has now been rendered by the law association of zambia on the u turn by the constitution court regarding President Lungu s eligibility matter,could it be that the men in robes rendered a political judgement rather than a sound legal judgement?

it looks like this matter is far from over and pray for it's logical conclusion.

President Hakainde Hichilema must stop Chosing his political opponents who should face him in 2026,let him face Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu squarely instead of hiding in legal faucets.

Let him not hide in immingalato,that is being a coward.

The five Men in robes cannot choose a President for Zambia,let Zambians choose a President for themselves.

This is an opportunity for Zambians to step ahead in reclaiming this country from the UPND Mala administration.

These Egyptians you see today you Shall see them no more beyond 2026.

Edwin Lifwekelo 

PF media director 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 Luapula Province Gets Cutting-Edge eLMIS system 

By Daily News Reporter 

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has handed over the Electronic Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) equipment to the Veronica Chikonda Adolescent Centre in Samfya district, Luapula province. 

This brings the total number of health facilities equipped with cutting-edge logistics management technology in the province to 15 in 2024 alone.

The eLMIS technology enables real-time monitoring and tracking of medical commodities at the facility level, enhancing transparency, accountability, and efficiency in medical supply procurement.

The UNFPA which supports 70% of reproductive medical supply procurement in the province is instrumental in strengthening integrated sexual and reproductive health services in three districts in the area.

The government has praised the The United Nations Population Fund for its unwavering partnership and support for the developmental agenda particularly the health system.

Luapula Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Prudence Mwansa Chinama stated that NFPA's critical support in promoting maternal health, combating gender-based violence, and advancing disability inclusion. 

Speaking at the official handover of eLMIS equipment in laupula Province,Ms. Chinama stated that the government is collaborating with cooperating partners to leverage resources, expertise, and knowledge to enhance service delivery and improve the overall quality of life for citizens, especially in rural and hard-to-reach areas.

And UNFPA Country Representative Seth Broekman reiterated the organization's commitment to ensuring adolescents and women have access to education, economic opportunities, and reproductive health services. 

He pledged continued support for eLMIS rollout and capacity building in supply chain management.

Mr. Broekman emphasized the importance of integrating supply chain management into the curricula of healthcare professionals, ensuring that nurses, midwives, and pharmacy personnel acquire necessary skills from the outset of their careers. 

He stated that additionally, UNFPA provides targeted on-site technical support in Luapula Province, focusing on eLMIS use, inventory management, and warehousing. 

The eLMIS empowers facilities to improve inventory management, data quality, and reporting rates, reducing stockouts and increasing essential medicine availability. UNFPA provides on-site technical support in Luapula province, covering eLMIS use, inventory management, and warehousing.

And Ministry of Finance and National Planning Director Population Charles Banda emphasized the government's commitment to ensuring quality health services at the grassroots level. 

He noted that the eLMIS system will ensure timely delivery of quality reproductive health services, boosting productivity and improving rural livelihoods.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


By Daily News Reporter 

Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati has said that Zambia is on the right trajectory in breaking grounds through innovation and creativity, hence defining solutions through a strong built up novelty foundation of the ecosystem, for the country, as demonstrated by an innovative winner, Michael Sichilongo, who scooped the first prize project on his developed digital software App that define solutions for the physically challenged persons by using body gestures.

Speaking at the 2024 cohort of the young innovators ICT innovation programme, in Lusaka, were top Five finalists received awards, Mr. Mutati commended all innovators exhibited developed digital Applications and explained that Zambia is building a strong foundation in the innovation - ecosystem demonstrated by tangible outcomes: "It's a strong foundation that we are building in the innovation ecosystem, and the results we are showing, and thanks to you the young ones that are breaking new grounds."

He said Government has continued to invest in a robust and resilient digital infrastructure, with the current ongoing construction and installation of towers across the country, a national developmental digital transformation that will equally augment the innovation ecosystem.

The Minister urged the innovators to assess and catch up with emerging Artificial Intelligence technologies that will position their strength to supersede and cope with technical - know-how age.

Mr Mutati commended 'Lead Ebusaka' an innovative hub that has, over the years, grown and established a Twenty thousand customer - base from the scratch, an indication of limitless business proliferation in the power of creativity and innovation, hence timely addressing potent and sustainable solutions of the country's digital transformation journey.

He added that; Now, you heard Ebusaka are participating outside the country, under the theme called 'Tumbktoo,' and that's the way it's supposed to be."

Hon. Mutati further told the innovators and stakeholders that Zambia is among the Nine countries in Africa selected to host one of the themes of Timbuktoo, (an innovation initiative support programme by the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP). 

He said the initiative will help innovators to develop transformative innovations for the respective countries, Zambia being branded under a theme, Mine Tech, whilst Nigeria will host under Fintech, and Rwanda, on Health Tech.

Mr. Mutati said the Zambian version Timbuktoo - Mine Tech ground breaking takes place (next week) to specifically execute the country's vision to scale up in responding to the delivery of Three Million tons production of copper bordering on a timeframe of Ten years, a challenge he pointed out owed to the innovators - ecosystem to realise the Mine - Tech devised visionary solutions.

The Minister put an emphasis on the public - private partnership and collaboration that were indispensable to help push innovators' energies to thrive. "You may wish to know, that Zambia outside South Africa is number Two, in terms of innovation, particularly raising startup capital, so we must be proud that we are doing something that is correct." He added.

Mr. Mutati, said Government is also carrying out critical amendments to the cyber security bill that will provide protection to the innovation and create an enabling legal framework.

Meanwhile, ZICTA director universal access, Collins Chomba said the presentation of the successive transformative initiative by young innovators is a recognition of their outstanding contributions for driving Zambia's progress through technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation.  

Speaking on behalf of ZICTA director general, Mr Chomba said ZICTA launched the ICT in 2016 to create an ambitious programme to support the young innovators in commercialisng their ICT related ideas and startups. 

"The programme aligns with the broader mandate under the ICT Act number 15 of 2009 to promote adoption, usage and local development of ICTs in the country." He read in his speech.

Mr. Chomba, further explained that since its inception, the ICT young innovators programme has provided technical and businesses developed support to over Four hundred and Fifty innovators, and of these Fourty have received direct financial support from ZICTA and cooperating partners, with a focus to enable them commercialise their respective innovation, a progress initiative that exists to scale up business in the creation of jobs, enhance service delivery, and contribute to solving existing social economic challenges.

And Nakana Mwamba from a nurtured startup, Lead Ebusaka, said the entity is a mobile and cloud based digital market place for waste management designed to transform how waste is collected, managed, and recycled through connecting households and businesses, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and environmental sustainability across the country.

And Stanbic head digital transformation, Yaza Kara, said the financial entity's strategy focuses on client satisfaction, digital transformation and SME growth. 

She said the bank's agenda was not only to enhance service delivery through comprehensive online solutions but also its comittement to stimulate economic growth by promoting entrepreneurship

Meanwhile Airtel Networks Zambia, managing director, Kapa Kaumba, is grateful for her entity to be part of the unveiling prestigious ZICTA ICT, top Five, innovation programme as the network provider's growth strongly is underlined in its commitment to making a difference in the lives of people. 

During the ceremony, other awardees include, Chama Mathews presenting a new hearing mobile app in the Fifth place, Mwiinga Nzala, a cost calculating farmer's project manager app in the Fourth place, and Malizyo Grabiel Muzumala, presenting a service automated medical interpretation in artificial intelligence on the Third slot.And in the second place, Nkonde Bupe, was unveiled in whose project visual operations simulations (VOS).


By Daily News Reporter 

Kabushi constituency aspiring member of Parliament Tillas Sichinga has vowed to improve the living standards of the physically challenged people across the constituency once ushered into office.

Addressing a sizeable group of the differently and physically challenged people in Ndola's Kariba compound called "Tatwakachule disabled group" Mr Sichinga who is also TTS foundation director expressed saddness over the poor living conditions of the group in the area.

The Kabushi based disability group are currently experiencing various challenges ranging from inadequate wheelchairs, unhabitable housing, house rentals, unemployment, school dropouts and lack of sustainable empowerment programs. 

The group lamented that they felt neglected and left out especially by those entrusted to improve their welfare further appealing to Mr Sichinga to come to their aid as he was their last hope.

In response to the concerns raised by the group , the 2026 Kabushi constituency aspirant said his foundation remains ready to empower the neglected in society through various charitable programs.

And Mr Sichinga has vowed to engage the relevant authorities in ensuring that the said group is at least empowered with plots along Ndola-Mufulira road and that he will provide wheelchairs, procure a peanut making machine for them to sustain their livelihoods further encouraging those willing to go back to school to take advantage of the current free education policy provided by the new dawn administration.

He has however reaffirmed his commitment through the foundation to improve the living standards of Kabushi residents irrespective of one status, religious beliefs, creed or political affiliation adding that he will not neglect the physically challenged across the constituency once voted into office.

Monday, December 2, 2024

 Water crisis affecting livestock 


By Daily News Reporter 

Livestock Farmers in the rural parts of Siavonga District in Southern Province calls on government to quickly consider providing water reservoirs as their livestock travel long distances to search for water.

Speaking on behalf of Livestock farmers in Mnyama ward Alex Gwati appeals to government to come to the aid of livestock farmers in the area as livestock have no drinking water in the area.

Mr Gwati disclosed  that that about ten (10000)thousand cattle from the surrounding kaseba,Kaumpwe,Jali,Nangoba,Mangwalala, Manchvwa in- land and Nabutezi villages drink water from the water reservoir at his farm in Mnyama ward.

Mr.Gwati explained that these cattle that drink water from kaseba farm travel about 18 to 15 km to reach kaseba farm adding that other cattle get stuck in the same reservoir and other cattle is being stolen on their way as they search for water.

"Please government come to our aid as livestock farmers in Mnyama, Nabutezi wards, our livestock has no drinking water 

other wise the water reservoir where cattle drink from it is meant for watering my garden," he said.

Meanwhile speaking on behalf of livestock farmers in Nadunga area in Mutuba ward in Sinadambwe Chiefdom Wesley Munyumbwe says people are sharing water with livestock from near by Nadunga and kangamachinja streams as boreholes have dried up.

"Villages drink water from Nadunga and Nakamacinga streams with our livestock are Muzima, Hachibozu, Munyumbwe, Manyinga,Nakayuma, Nadunga and Mutanga villages both people and livestock drink from these two streams as boreholes have dried up," he said.

However Siavonga Member of Parliament MP Darius Mulunda speaking earlier during the Consitituency Development Fund CDF  committee revealed that his office is aware of the water challenges people and livestock are facing in the Consitituency.

Mr.Mulunda stated  that from the drought fund emergency response component, funds have been set aside to address water challenges in the area.

" Our people and livestock are suffering of water challenge, and from the drought fund emergency response for addressing water challenge in Nangoba, Hachibozu and other surrounding areas in our Consitituency," said.

Govt commends Beit Cure Children's hospital

By Happiness Chirwa

CHIBOMBO District Director of Health (DHD) has commended Beit Cure Children's hospital for donating an audiology booth to Mwachisompola Mini Hospital.

Dr Hendrix Yona said the opening of the audiology booth at that health facility was an important thing to both the Government and the residents of that area and sorrounding communities.

The audilogy [medical equipment] is used to examine and treat patients with ear, nose and throat problems, which is the reason it is mostly called ENT.

Dr Yona said the Government of Zambia was working extra hard to deliver quality health care services in all diseases which affects human being, therefore such donation from the Beit Cure Children's hospital was a milestone to the Government.

He said hearing loss is a global challenge, and as such the World Health Organization has recognized it as a fourth leading cause of disability.

He also lamented that, the World Health Organization has projected that by 2050: " Nearly 2.5 billion people - one in every four will live with some form of hearing loss."

"The opening of this audiology booth, at Mwachisompola Mini Hospital, will play a vital role in advancing Ear, Nose and Throat - ENT services in Zambia," he said.

He emphasized that the move signified a step in the right direction towards addressing the needs of ear, nose and hearing care among the people.

Dr Yona noted that the ear, nose and throat conditions negatively affect physical health, emotional well-being and social intergration of human beings.

Speaking earlier Beit Cure Medical Director Cyril Moyo said his hospital was proud to donate the audilogy booth at Mwachisompola Mini Hospital because it was fulfilling its objectives of delivering quality healthcare services in ear, nose and throat problems among the vulnerable children in that community and the province at large.

Dr Moyo said as the World Health Organization has predicted that by the year 2050, nearly 2.5 billion people, will have some form of hearing loss, his organization was working hard to provide care to vulnerable children with such conditions in many parts of the world.

"This reality by WHO compels us to act with compassion and determination, ensuring that no child is left behind in their journey toward better hearing, health and quality life

"This is why today, we have gathered here to celebrate a remarkable mileatone in the journey towards ensuring accessible, quality healthcare for all, especially in the realm of ear and hearing health," he said.

Dr Moyo said these in the speech read on his behalf by Dr Chisomo Shawa who is an orthopeadics surgeon that Beit Cure Children's Hospital.

He disclosed that the prevent project of community Ear and Hearing Health Care and Rehabilitation of Disability Loss has been an extraordinary intervention with funding from the Scotish Government.

He also said that initiative aligned with the ministry of health's 2022-2026 national health strategic plan which dedicated to addressing challenges within the health sector.

And medical Officer in- Charge Martin Lufumbo also commended  Beit Cure Children's Hospital for the gesture.

He said the audiology booth was a remarkable additional medical service at that hospital and was a shared vision for improving to the deliver of quality healthcare services to the people in that community and beyond.

Dr Lufumbo stressed that the openning of an audiology booth at that health facility, shall mark a new chapter in contributing positively to the mission of the hospital which aims at serving the people.

He sincerely commended the Beit Cure Children's hospital management and assured them that the equipment shall be put to good used and guarded jealously.

  ZATEX TO BOOST REVENUE FOR LOCAL TOURISM AND GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS  By Daily News Reporter  The Zambia Travel EXPO ( ZATEX ) which is set to...