Tuesday, February 20, 2024



“Consuming dog meat is not part of the Zambian culture, and this indicate a growing trend of people selling dog meat disguised as goat meat………………..

By Daily News Reporter

The Veterinary Association of Zambia has expressed concern over a thriving underground market for Dog meat especially being sold as Goat meat to unsuspecting customers at public drinking places and on open market in Zambia.

Speaking to the media in Lusaka, the VAZ association president Malcolm Chiyoba stated that the absence of deterrent measures, this practice despite being illegal may become widespread if offenders go unpunished.

Dr. Chiyoba said that Dog meat poses a health threat to humans because of the presence of serious zoonotic diseases that are able to be transmitted from animals to humans, exposing them to diseases such as rabies and parasites including roundworms, hookworms and others.

“Consuming dog meat is not part of the Zambian culture, but recent media reports indicate a growing trend of people selling dog meat disguised as goat meat.

He said currently Zambia has a thriving market in bars and open markets of dog meat, following the unregulated sale and slaughter of small livestock like goats and sheep in these places. He has since called for the strengthening of the provisions of the Food safety Act number 7 of 2019 which regulates the manufacture, sale and use of Food in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Animal Welfare Society vice chairperson Sheila Oparaocha added that the demand for dog meat across the border in the Democratic Republic of Congo creates a lucrative market which results in illegal, unsafe and cruel handling of dogs in Zambia as investigations have shown that about 100 Dogs are taken across the border every month.

And she further noted about 100 dogs are taken to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) every month through illicit trade to be consumed as meat, an investigation by animal rights groups has revealed.

Dog meat, whose market value is still unknown because the trade is illegal, is said to be on demand across the border in DRC, creating a lucrative market which is fuelling the illegal, unsafe and cruel handling and transportation of dogs within Zambia.

The investigation was done by a consortium of nine animal rights welfare societies in Zambia.

The societies are Lusaka Animal Welfare, Cactus Foundation, Kalumbila Animal Rescue, Kitwe Animal Welfare and Ndola Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Others are the African Animal Rescue Center, the Ark Angel Animal Sanctuary, University of Zambia Vet Students Welfare Committee, and Zambezi Animal Welfare Services.



Thursday, February 15, 2024



The Zambian economy is heating up spurred by increasing inflation, runaway exchange rate and unresolved public debt, prompting the Central Bank to turn to fiscal safety catches to keep the country afloat amid uncertainties.

The runaway inflation-averaging 12 percent, twice the projected 6-8 percent band trending over the past months, low foreign exchange intake induced by low exports of commodities including copper threatens to induce financial instability and derail growth trajectory of between 2-4 percent in the aftermath of the COVID 19.

Monetary policy strategies include revising interest to 12.5 percent (150 basis points) from an initial 11.0 percent posted in the third quarter of last year, notes the need to take up various fiscal interventions to save the economy from further ‘damaging effects’.

The Central Bank says the action to review the policy rate was to stir back the skyrocketing inflationary rate to within admissible levels, having been projected to remain in the single digit band to help monitor inflation which has been spurred by among other factors, global factors.

The depreciation of the local currency, the Kwacha against major currencies as well as elevated food (maize and maize products) and energy (fuel) prices continued to push inflation up in the fourth quarter of 2023.

According to Central Bank’s report, inflation rose to an average of 12.9 percent from 11.0 percent in the third quarter of 2023. Inflationary pressures had continued in January, with annual inflation rising to 13.2 percent from 13.1 percent in December 2023.The monetary policy rate has increased by 150 basis points to 12.5 percent from 11 percent in the previous quarter.

Announcing the increase, Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya explained that the decision by the Monetary Policy Committee was caused by a further increase in inflation rate in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Dr Kalyalya disclosed that inflationary pressures continued in January 2024 with annual inflation rising to 13.2 percent from 13.1 percent in December 2023.

Dr Kalyalya noted the consistent depreciation of the kwacha against major currencies, having a huge bearing on the country's inflation rate, including elevated food and energy prices.

The Governor explained that the increase in policy rate is aimed at steering inflation to the target band between six to eight percent and help anchor inflation expectations.

He however expressed optimism by the continued fiscal consolidation efforts, progress on the external debt restructuring and improved prospects of increased investment in key sectors of the economy.

"Growth prospects are more optimistic over the medium term relative to November projection. This mainly reflects projected recovery in mining, agriculture as well as wholesale and retail sectors," Dr Kalyalya stated.

He stated the Central Bank's commitment in collaboration with various stakeholders to go an extra mile to control the status for macro stability in the country.

He further noted that  the constraints on supply of foreign exchange that is currently happening when there is high demand in the country.

The Central Bank Governor said that this is putting pressure on the limited supply of foreign exchange.

He said the country needs more foreign exchange and a reduction on imports, especially those that can be made locally to stabilise the financial system, leading to economic growth.





(picture by Rainbow newspapers)

By Daily News Reporter

The Tobacco Control Consortium of Zambia says according to the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, Zambia has experienced the high level of interference from the tobacco industry in both 2020 and 202, surpassing many other African countries.

Acting Consortium Chairperson Albert Phiri has said that the Tobacco industry has been interfering in the legislative process of the tobacco control bill in Zambia.

And Mr. Phiri added that the interference and undue influence by the tobacco industry has caused unnecessary delays in implementing the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the country.

He was speaking this during a media briefing in Lusaka that the tobacco industry in Zambia possesses substantial financial resources, expert influence and enjoys powerful connections to further their agenda.

Mr. Phiri said it is concerning that the tobacco industry opposes the Tobacco Control Bill under the pretenses of advocating ‘harm reduction’.

“It is disheartening to witness the problem itself masquerading as a solution, especially when the lives of millions are at stake sue to a hazardous substance that contributes less than 1% to the country’s GDP” he said.

Mr. Phiri added that the implementation of the tobacco bill will preserve many lives and also alleviate the significant burden on the government’s health care system caused by preventable tobacco- related illnesses.

He said the number of people using tobacco will increase by more than 40% by 2030 if the bill is not enacted adding that enacting the bill will lead to a 30% reduction which will aid the country to meet its SDGs on tobacco use.

Mr. Phiri said the absence of consultation with the civil society during the consultative process while passing the Tobacco ACT of 2022 which seeks to enhance tobacco production, is a cause of apprehension.

"Zambia's Minister of Health, Ms. Sylvia Tembo-Masebo has displayed  efforts to accelerate this process with TCCZ confidence justified on account of her spearheading enactment of laws banning cigarette smoking in Zambia's public premises. Death is death, regardless of any attempts to sugarcoat it as dying from a preventable premature illness is more tragic," said Phiri.

Mr. Phiri  discouraged use of so-called novel products; e-cigarettes vaping or shisha, as a WHO report shows that a single session of shisha pipe smoking lasting between 20 to 80 minutes, translate into another person smoking 100 cigarette," said  Phiri.

Phiri accused the Tobacco Industry (TI) of interfering in the legislative process of the tobacco control bill in Zambia.

Mr. Phiri says interference and undue influence by the Tobacco Industry has caused unnecessary delays in domesticating the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Zambia.

 Mr. Phiri says the tobacco industry in Zambia possesses substantial financial resources, expert influence and enjoys powerful connections to further their agenda.

"The absence of consultation with the civil society during the consultative process while passing the Tobacco ACT of 2022, which seeks to enhance tobacco production, is causing apprehension;" laments Phiri.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Primary Care Research (CPCR) says tobacco related illnesses and deaths afflict over 7,000 Zambians with 60% being the people under the age of 70.

CPCR Researcher, Richard Zulu, says tobacco consumption does not only pose significant risks to public health but also hinders sustainable development of any country.

Mr. Zulu said the matter of tobacco control holds an immense significance as its contribution to the economy remains negligible, accounting for less than 0.04%.

He has further, expressed concern with the improper disposal of tobacco products which pose threats to arable land, waterways and endangers country’s food security, water and the tourism sector.

“The economic ramifications, environmental degradation and health consequences associated with tobacco emphasize its status as a pressing public health challenge requiring immediate attention” said Mr. Zulu.

"As a research institution, CPCR research show that Tobacco use is a major public health concern as it harms even those who use it exactly as specified by the manufacturer,  tobacco use takes away 10 years from the lifespan of life- time users. Tobacco is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases causing cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung, disease diabetes, chronic pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis," said Zulu

"Our parliamentarians must choose Life through passing the Tobacco Control Bill into law as our nation marks 16 years since Zambia ratified a comprehensive tobacco control law.” He Added



Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Technology and Science Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu has said that energy sector need to be given top priority by the Zambian stakeholders, leading to its primary focus on Bio-gas in the Technology Assessment exercise.  This was in a speech read on his behalf by the Acting Permanent Mr. William H. Katongo at the National Stakeholders' workshop that was co-hosted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Ministry of Technology  and Science (MoTS) at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka.

In his speech the Permanent Secretary assured the participants and stakeholders that the Zambian Government is eagerly anticipating the results of the TA Project adding that the project is crucial as it will contribute to advancing bio-gas as an alternative energy source.

He further stated that Biogas is a cleaner energy alternative to Charcoal, and not only does it help the growing demand  for sustainable energy but also plays a crucial role in reducing  harmful emissions, aligning with our commitment to environmental responsibility.

And the Economic affairs officer for UNCTAD Michael LIM says  TA is important for Zambia because it will enable citizens gain knowledge on which technology is good for them and its benefits thereof.

He says "bio-gas is a pilot to build capacity for Zambia in the private and public sector and therefore Zambians should have the capacity to determine which technology is good for the country and learn how government can harness the technology for positive use."

The Acting Permanent Secretary was accompanied by his Assistant Director - Science and Technology, Mr. John Chongo who is also the focal point for the TA Project.

The Ministry of Technology and Science says the Technology  Assessment Project will build and strengthen capabilities of Zambia's Science, Technology and Innovation policy makers academia, researchers and other relevant stakeholders that support the learning, diffuse and adoption of technologies in the energy and agriculture sectors.

The workshop drew participants from other government line ministries,  regulators, civil society , biogas promoters and users, Academia, Scientific research institutions drawn from all provinces of the Country.


Monday, February 12, 2024



By Daily News Reporter

The 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) has shown that Zambia has recorded slight improvement though the country is still among the two-thirds of countries that has serious corruption problems.

The CPI which ranks 180 countries and territories around the globe by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, scores on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

And according to Transparency International Zambia - TIZ presentation shows that over two-thirds of countries score below 50 out of 100, which strongly indicates that they have serious corruption problems.

Meanwhile, according to the latest 2023 CPI released by Transparency International, Zambia has scored 37 out of 100 from the 33 scored in 2022.

This simply means that Zambia has made a slight progress in moving towards 50 but is still miles away from reaching 100.

But although Zambia has made progress of moving from 33 to 37 out of 100, Zambia still has serious corruption problems according to Transparency International because it’s score is still below 50.

The 2023 perception index has also shown that Zambia has been ranked number 98 out of 180 countries and territories around the globe by their perceived levels of public sector corruption from 116 recorded in 2022.



Zambia’s aviation industry hits 2 million passengers

By Daily News Reporter

Since its inception in 1989, The Zambia Corporation Airport Limited – ZACL, experienced the highest number of general passengers in 2023 at above 2 million (2, 056, 312) passengers.

This remarkable increase by ZACL, has been attributed to the complete removal of COVID–19 requirements, sporting events held in the country such as the Barcelona vs Zambia Legends Exhibition Football Match, as well as the hosting of various meetings and conferences.

Speaking during the ZACL media breakfast meeting in Lusaka ZACL acting managing director Gillian Mazimba, said the positive domestic performance can be attributed to the competitive pricing being offered by domestic airlines for flights to and from Lusaka as well as the resumption of the Ndola-Mansa route by Proflight Zambia.

Mazimba also disclosed that in terms of the financial performance the Corporation was above budget and the figures will be made public after the external auditing which is currently taking place.

She said in 2024 –ZACL- anticipates continued growth in general passenger traffic largely driven by trade and tourism at all airports.

Meanwhile, Mazimba also commented on the power outage that occurred last month January 2024, when the Runway Lights at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport failed to light up.




By Daily News reporter

The Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia (AAAZ) in LUSAKA hosted a gathering stakeholders, media and community representatives at the organization headquarters to review and make submissions on Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Act.

AAAZ executive director Luchembe Chilufya,r, said that the citizen engagement emerged is crucial in governance and development, empowering communities, optimizing public resources, fostering transparency, accountability, and collaborative problem-solving, while also promoting social cohesion and civic participation.

He said that they as been challenges in the implementation of the CDF which lacked transparency, accountability, and community involvement in fund allocation and its utilization.

He emphasized opportunities to enhance the CDF’s effectiveness in driving local development by promoting accountability and transparency to meet citizens’ needs and promote sustainable development.

He further reaffirmed its commitment to advocating for transparency and community participation in CDF management.

According to Chilufya, meaningful citizen engagement requires genuine dialogue, access to information, and respect for diverse voices, serving as a cornerstone of democratic governance and sustainable development.

“Through empowering communities to participate in decision-making processes, governments can foster inclusive and equitable progress for all members of society,” he said.

Meanwhile, stakeholders gathered at AAAZ headquarters to deliberate on the CDF Act, shifted to the pivotal role of project governance in propelling community development forward.

Sitting around the table, they engaged in discussions that illuminated the core principles necessary for meaningful progress.

“It all begins with genuine engagement,” remarked one participant, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that projects resonate with the real needs of local communities and instill a sense of ownership among residents.

The group collectively acknowledged the imperative of considering sustainability and long-term consequences in project planning. “Short-sighted decisions can jeopardize the very communities we seek to uplift,” one stakeholder cautioned, underscoring the need for foresight and strategic thinking.

Turning their attention to community empowerment, the stakeholders recognized the transformative potential of education and capacity building initiatives.

“When communities are equipped with knowledge and skills,” remarked a participant, “they become active participants in shaping their own destinies.”

The conversation concluded with a reflection on the importance of flexibility in adapting to evolving circumstances. “Change is constant,” observed one stakeholder, “and our governance structures must be agile enough to accommodate it.”

In the end, the consensus was clear: effective project governance, anchored in consultation, transparency, and accountability, serves as the catalyst for communities to chart their own paths toward a brighter future.




The World Health Organization (WHO) has generously donated $723,580.20 USD, equivalent to 20 million Zambian Kwacha, towards the cholera response in Zambia. This significant contribution underscores the global commitment to addressing public health crises in vulnerable regions.

Dr. Nathan Bakyaita, WHO Country Representative, said speaking after a conducting tour of markets in Bauleni

 that the donated funds were raised through a joint initiative by the WHO and the Ministry of Health, demonstrating proactive resource mobilization for ongoing and future response efforts.

He emphasized that this initiative aims to secure additional support to strengthen cholera response activities and build resilience against future outbreaks.

Dr. Bakyaita stated that the WHO's donation serves as a concrete demonstration of solidarity and commitment to the people of Zambia.

He highlighted that this financial contribution will enhance capacity to provide essential services, including medical supplies and personnel, to affected communities.

Additionally, he underscored the significance of receiving additional supplies, such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and medicines, which highlights the ongoing support and collaboration necessary for sustaining response efforts.

He reiterated the commitment to ongoing collaboration and efforts to eradicate cholera from Zambia, emphasizing the collective resolve to achieve lasting public health outcomes and ensure the well-being of all citizens.

Regarding the recent decline in cholera cases and deaths, he credited the combined efforts of government officials, corporate partners, and volunteers in implementing effective control measures.

Furthermore, Dr. Bakyaita stressed the importance of evaluating past actions to identify areas for improvement, which is essential for future response efforts.

He emphasized that conducting thorough assessments can refine strategies and enhance preparedness for similar emergencies.

Addressing Zambia's Challenges through Collaboration

Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo highlighted that despite facing various challenges, including sanitation issues and inadequate water supply, the government and its partners are collaborating to overcome these obstacles.

Masebo emphasized the crucial role of community participation in sustainable development, such as maintaining water tanks and addressing sanitation issues.

She emphasized the importance of strong government leadership, including the president's involvement, in fostering unity and collaboration among stakeholders.

Engaging local businesses helps address logistical challenges, such as transportation to remote areas.

Zambia's reputation as a trusted partner attracts investments and support for its development initiatives.

Through collective action and collaboration, Zambia is laying the groundwork for a brighter future.

With strong leadership and a united front, the nation is poised to overcome its obstacles and emerge stronger.

Meanwhile, Masebo stated that despite ongoing efforts, there persists a significant number of cases outside Lusaka Province, necessitating continued monitoring and response measures.

Since October 2023, a nationwide cholera outbreak has mandated a unified effort to control and prevent future occurrences.

Under the leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema, the government is intensifying efforts to address the cholera situation, including conducting community clean-up campaigns.

She revealed that 163 new cases were reported nationwide, with a notable concentration in Lusaka province and district, highlighting the persistent threat posed by the outbreak.

Over the past 24 hours, Masebo reported that 187 patients were discharged, but three deaths were recorded, underscoring the ongoing severity of the situation.

The total number of recorded cases now stands at 18,262, with 644 deaths, emphasizing the magnitude of the outbreak and the critical need for sustained vigilance and action.





By Daily News Reporter


The Zambia Institute of Marketing (ZIM) has announced that the much-awaited 27th annual marketing conference and awards gala dinner, scheduled to be held from 22nd to 24th May 2024 in Livingstone.

This year's conference promises to be truly exceptional, held under the inspiring theme: "Elevate – innovate - thrive: driving prosperity, growth and resilience through strategic insights.” This is intended to equip participants with the tools and insights they need to navigate the dynamic currents and achieve business success.

Speaking during the 27th Annual Marketing Conference & awards ceremony media launch in Lusaka, ZIM President Mwewa Besa stated that the conference is intended to provide a platform for sharing best practices, where participants will have the opportunity to interact with captains of industry who will share their years of experience within the three days of the conference.

The conference's objective is not only to support Zambian businesses in embracing innovation and strategic thinking but also to assist them in evolving and becoming pioneers of strategic transformation.

He said the conference will delve into key areas of sustainability, reducing the carbon footprint, leveraging digital marketing, building and sustaining brands, and leveraging data in building lasting customer journeys. “All of these are intended to equip participants with the tools and insights they need to navigate these dynamic currents and achieve business success.”

The marketing conference and awards gala dinner is an excellent opportunity for marketing experts to gain insights into industry trends, network with other professionals, and learn from industry leaders. This is a must-attend event for anyone interested in marketing and business development in Zambia.

And he further added that the institution, through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) plans to visit an orphanage, and beyond CSR and the conference, the institute plans to engage with students, create a platform for students to interact with professionals, and provide internship opportunities.

"To ensure that members understand the legal implications of not being members or practicing marketing without being duly registered, the institute will continue to encourage members to practice marketing independently." He said.

He, however, admitted that the institute has not made much noise around the legal approach, which includes awareness programmes, committees that enforce the law, and publishing information about the organisation's actions, but has started sensitising members to the potential consequences of not practicing marketing without proper registration.

"In addition to the annual marketing conference, the institute has a series of CPD events for training and up skilling members. The institute is committed to ensuring that its character is reflected in its engagement with various members and promoting a culture of marketing excellence."Besa added.



By Daily News Reporter

The opposition coalition, United Kwacha Alliance (UKA), is committed to fostering national unity in Zambia, which has struggled with division since gaining independence in 2964.

Jackson Silavwe, leader of the Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ), along with representatives from eight other opposition parties, highlighted the persistent divisions hindering Zambia's progress, which has not spared the church.

Silavwe told a media briefing, that historical grievances and socio-economic disparities which is more pronounced now has contributed to the divisions, posing significant challenges to the nation's stability and development.

He stressed the need for a comprehensive approach, including inclusive dialogue, targeted development projects, and proactive engagement, to address Zambia's post-independence challenges effectively.

Silavwe underscored the importance of inclusive dialogue to tackle exclusion, poverty, and social divisions, advocating for peaceful resolutions instead of resorting to militaristic approaches.

He said the opposition alliance has formulated a "Marshal Development Plan" aimed at addressing poverty and inequality in underdeveloped provinces, ensuring fair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Prioritizing tailored development initiatives is crucial to bridging regional gaps and fostering inclusive growth across Zambia.

Silavwe identified the unresolved Barotseland issue as a significant obstacle requiring immediate attention through respectful dialogue and, if necessary, external mediation.

Silavwe, while reading the statement co-signed by various party leaders including President Harry Kalaba of Citizens First, President Edith Nawakwi of Forum for Democracy and Development, President Jackson Silavwe of Golden Party of Zambia, President Saboi Imboela of National Democratic Congress, President Chishala Kateka of New Heritage Party, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu of Patriotic Front, and President Sakwiba Sikota of United Liberation Party, emphasized the urgent need to address deep divisions caused by exclusion, poverty, and deprivation.

Meanwhile Minister of Information and Media Mr. Cornelius Mweetwa welcomes the formation of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) and that THE UPND Government will not stand on its wa way as long as they meet the legal requirements.

Mr. Mweetwa said that the formation of the alliance to show that they is freedom of democratic space in the country and that many are enjoying since the ascendance to power of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance in 2021.

He was speaking this during a media briefing at his office where he disclosed that before they formed government, the environment was toxic for anyone to do what they are doing now.

He has further urged the opposition to state the true picture on the ground especially to the international community that the democratic space in the nation is what has been allowing them conduct Press briefing weekly.

He added that the alliance has done well to join hands as individually they are not a factor, and that it is the PF which has Members of Parliament (MP), Mayor's, Council Chairpersons and Councilors in the alliance.

"The opposition in the alliance excluding the Patriotic Front (PF) are not popular as I have more votes in the 2021 general elections and are not giving us sleepless nights," he stated.

He also noted that the PF has finally rebranded itself to UKA alliance as the real PF is tainted and none sellable brand but now hiding in the alliance.

He alleged that the other opposition political parties are being used by the PF without them realizing it.

He advised the opposition to stop the crusade of saying that the democratic space has shrank because there are speaking contrary to what is happening as evidenced by the peace they are enjoying.




A 28-YEAR-OLD stores clerk at the Financial Intelligence Centre(FIC) has been arrested and dragged to court for alleged fogery, theft and using part of the money to buy a Toyota Mark lI.

Eric Ndhlovu of Lilayi, Lusaka, is accused of forging instruction for payment of staff allowances at FIC, presented the same document to the bank and allegedly got the money.

Mr Ndhlovu was arrested and taken to court after being charged with more than 40 counts of theft by public servant, forgery, uttering false documents, fraudulent false accounting and money laundering.

In one of the counts, allegations are that between May 9,2022, and April 10,2022, Ndhlovu forged and instruction for payment of staff always involving K8,950

He purported to show that the same allegedly forged document was issued and authorized by FIC, when infact not.

Further allegations are that he then presented an alleged forged letter of instruction for payment of K8,950 to a banker at Investrust Bank for payment.

In other counts, the accused allegedly forged several other instruction for staff allowances documents and later presenting alleged forged letter of instruction for payment of allowances at the bank.

Ndhlovu is also accused of possesion of a Mark ll suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Ndhlovu has pleaded not guilty and trial has began .


  EMPOWER CREATIVE INDUSTIRES TO BENEFIT FROM THEIR WORKS-CHAMA By Daily News Reporter PACRA and ARIPO engaged players in Zambia’s Creat...